Chapter 30

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I sat next to Carson's sleeping form and stroked my fingers across his palm. He was hooked up to multiple machines and I felt my heart constrict when he moved in his sleep.

Thank God he's okay.

I stared down at his lower abdomen and lightly ran my fingers over the hospital gown.

"He's lost a lot of blood." I remember the Doctor in the white coat saying.

"What's his blood type?" I had asked and when he told me A+ I was grateful that I was O-.

"Let me donate. I'm seventeen and I know I don't have parental consent but I need him to live." I had begged the doctor.

Now here I am, sitting at Carson's beside waiting for him to wake up. It's all my fault. He wouldn't be hurt if it wasn't for me.

"Have I ever told you, you look incredibly cute when you're trying to think?" I heard Carson say and my head snapped up.

"Carson! Thank God you're okay." I hugged him with all my might and pulled back when he hissed in pain.

"It's okay." He chuckled. "The pain doesn't bother me if that means I get to hold you." He said and I felt my heart flutter.

"I love you." I said seriously and the joking manner turned to one of seriousness.

"I love you too. A lot. I mean, I got shot for you." He smirked and I whacked his arm.

"Ow!" He shouted and I glared at him.

"I thought we were having a moment." I half whined and he smiled at me.

"If I could sit up without pain I'd kiss you right about now." He said and I leaned down, pressing my lips to his.

I could've sworn I heard his heart monitor speed up.

"Woah! He's up for five minutes and you guys are already at it like rabbits." I heard Lucas say and turned to him with a glare.

I pulled away, embarrassed, and noticed everyone was here.

"You're just jealous." Carson countered back and I ignored their arguing as my eyes met with their mother's.

I practically ran over to her and pulled her into a hug.

"I'm so sorry I put your sons and grandchild in danger. I wouldn't have ever been able to live with myself if they had gotten seriously hurt. I'll never forgive myself for what Carson was put through." I admitted into her shoulder and she lightly patted my back.

"It's okay. I know it wasn't your fault. I'm glad you didn't get hurt. You've become like another daughter to me." She said and I smiled.

"Wow, full house." I heard someone say and we all turned to see an older man in a white coat.

"Hey Carson, I'm Doctor Thomas. How are you feeling?" He asked, stepping between all of us to stand beside my boyfriend, checking all of his vitals.

"My side still hurts but not the pain I imagined. On a scale from one to ten I'd rate it a five." My stomach twisted in guilt. I was the source of his pain. It was all my fault. The doctor had written some things on his clipboard and smiled at all of us.

"Well, I'm gonna send you home with a prescription to help with that pain and take it easy for a couple weeks. You should be able to walk at graduation." He told him and I froze. Graduation was only two months away and that meant Carson was going away. He was leaving.

"What about you?" The doctor asked. "You donated a lot of blood. Did the nurse give you an orange juice and some sugar cookies for the road?" He asked and I nodded my head, looking down at the cotton ball pressed on my arm.

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