Chapter 11

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I felt heat hit my face and slightly opened my eyes to see the sun shining through the window. I went to get up when I realized arms were holding me down. I turned and saw Carson still sleeping soundly. I gently removed his arms from me and escaped the room quietly, going to get ready for the day.

We all met down at breakfast with twenty minutes until school started. I was just finishing up my cereal when I heard the doorbell ring. Next thing I know Kara is walking in and all of us stared at her wondering why she was here. "Hi." she said meekly and looked away from Lucas who was staring at her intensely.

"I was wondering if you'd want to walk with me to school today Cass. If you want to." She was fidgeting nervously when she spoke so I excused myself from breakfast and left the house with her. We started walking down the street in silence until Kara spoke. "Can I be honest with you?" she turned to me and I nodded my head, allowing her to continue. "I know all my "friends" at school aren't really good people. I don't have a best friend but to be completely honest you're the person I trust the most right now." Kara told me as we continued walking again.

"I know you barely know me and probably think I'm some crazy popular girl but there's something I need to get off my chest that I can't tell anyone." I patted her shoulder awkwardly yet reassuringly, letting her know I was here for her. She was my only friend that was a girl. "I'm pregnant." Wait, did I hear that right? Kara the goody goody pregnant?

"How did that happen?" I stupidly asked and I saw a grin form on her lips. "Okay, I get how but with who?" I questioned her and I saw her blush a deep scarlet. "I shouldn't say now. I just need advice on what to do." she seemed so drained. She looked so tired. Was I really the only person she could come to about this?

I thought of a plan. "I have an idea. It's a bit of a stretch but Planned Parenthood could probably help you. I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that they have to keep things confident-" "No." Kara told me sternly and I saw tears pool in her eyes. "They'll tell me to get rid of it and I can't do that. I can't tell my parents. They'd kill me. I don't know what to do Cassandra. I have no one." she started to sob and I helped wipe away her running mascara.

"That's not true. You have me. You have the Andersons and we'll be here for you." Kara gave me a tight smile and wiped away the remains of runny makeup on her face. "It felt good to tell someone. Thanks." Kara gave me a hug which I took awkwardly, standing there like a statue. She pulled away and linked her arm with mine as we walked to school.

I was grabbing some books out of my locker when all of a sudden someone grabbed me by my waist and held onto me with their chin resting on my shoulder. I turned and saw James and politely moved out of his hold. "Hey Cass." he pulled his backpack strap up higher and flashed a smile at me. "Hey. What's up?" I asked him and he moved in a little closer to me which made me instantly move back a step.

He had a confused look before wiping it off his face. "I just wanted to make sure you remember tonight is the party at Austin's." Wow, I completely forgot about that. "Uh...okay, what should I wear?" What do you wear to a party? Could I just wear converse and some jeans? Did I have to wear a dress? "Club attire. Wear something..." he looked me over once then smiled again, "Sexy."

I was a little taken back by his forwardness but nodded my head. The warning bell rung and before he left James gave me a kiss on my cheek and ran off. I closed my locker door and when I turned back Carson stood there with a glare directed to the world. Great, now I had to deal with a moody Carson.

It was around six o'clock when I called Kara over to help me pick out something to wear for the party. She was over in no time and brought a bag of clothes and makeup saying she wanted to be prepared. I think she just knows I wouldn't have anything. "He said he's gonna be here around 8:30. Is that enough time?" I questioned Kara and she stopped what she was doing, looking me over. "It will be a close call but we'll manage."

As Kara was rummaging through my closet I thought it'd be a good time to talk about the baby. "So the guy who-" "Knocked me up? Yeah he's the only guy I've ever been with and he's in another relationship now so it's not gonna be some fairytale story." she snapped at me. "Nothing ever is." I told her. "If you decide to keep the baby though, don't you think he has a right to know? Is he a good guy?" Kara finished looking through my closet and sat next to me on the bed.

Kara sighed. "He's a great guy. He's amazing. I know he'd be there every step of the way but I can't ruin his life like that. I can't ruin his new relationship." she said on a shaky breath and I rubbed her back soothingly. "Kara, if he really was a great guy he wouldn't care about his new relationship or how it will affect him. He would be there for you and the baby. If his girlfriend can't accept that then that's her problem."

On cue Kara started sobbing uncontrollably and I sat there like an idiot. I wasn't very good at comforting crying girls. "What's wro-" Kara cut me off, "He doesn't have a girlfriend. He has a boyfriend and it's Lucas. I'm having a baby with Lucas. He was the only boy I've ever been with and I love him Cass but he doesn't love me. He loves Austin and there's nothing I can do to change that." I stared at her in shock and thanked the lord he was already at the party.

"But if he's...why did guys had...?" I couldn't find the right words. If Lucas always knew he was gay then why would he have sex with Kara? "You can't tell him Cassandra. This is just between you and me until I figure out what I'm doing alright?" "Alright." How do you keep from your best friend that they knocked up another one of your friends who randomly decided they're best friends with you even though they used to be the most popular girl in school? Yeah, I don't know what I said either.

Finally 8:30 rolled around and we found the perfect outfit for me to wear. I had on light blue skinny jeans with a long sleeved black crop top and my favorite pair of combat boots. They were the only thing I was wearing that were mine. James rang the doorbell at exactly 8:31 and Carson answered the door who was dressed in a nice getup as well. James shamelessly checked me out in front of Carson and Kara which I found a bit rude but kept my mouth shut.

I said goodbye to Kara who was also babysitting Maggie tonight and Carson left with us, getting into his own car. We arrived to Austin's shortly after and I could already see teenagers passed out on the lawn. He sure knew how to throw a party.

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