Chapter 21

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We shoved the last bag into the trunk and closed it, glad to be going back home. The week was a nice break away from school and all the problems of the world, except for the Kara incident, but it was finally time to get back to reality.

"You kids ready?" Cheryl asked.

We all responded with a chorus of "Yeah's" and climbed into the car. The ride home seemed shorter then the way up but it was relieving to finally see the Anderson house come into view.

"So, what are you three going to do on your last day of break?" Cheryl asked us and we shrugged our shoulders.

"I heard there's a party at Aaron Richards house tonight. Do you guys wanna go? If that's okay with you." Carson's last statement was directed at his mother.

Luke was still distant from what happened last week but agreed to the idea and Cheryl seemed to be contemplating in her head.

"You have to be home before midnight. No drinking and no drugs. Can I trust you three?" she asked and we all nodded our heads.

"Okay, you can go to the party."


The music got louder as we walked further into the house full of sweaty, drunken teens. Carson and I had already lost Luke and while Carson seemed unaffected I was hoping he wasn't doing anything stupid.

"I'm gonna go fetch us something to drink. Do you want a soda?" Carson yelled over the music. I nodded and he parted through the crowd to get to the kitchen.

I was standing alone for a good amount of time when I felt a tap on my shoulder. Expecting Carson, I turned around with a smile on my face, only to be disappointed that Austin stood there with two drinks in his hand.

"Hey." he said and offered the one drink but I declined.

"I'm not drinking." I said and he rolled his eyes playfully.

"It's just lemonade." he laughed and I took the cup and examined it. It looked like lemonade and smelled like lemonade. I was thirsty and Carson was taking a long time.

"Thanks." I said and took a sip. It must have been a brand I wasn't used to because the bitterness of it hit me hard.

"Listen," Austin put a hand on my arm, "I feel extremely terrible about the way things ended last week. I don't expect Luke to take me back or even want to be friends but I want you to know I really am sorry about everything. And I hope we could be friends again." he offered a weak smile and I was suspicious of him but decided that it wasn't right to always hold a grudge above people.

"Well, it's not okay." I replied and I saw his shoulders sag. "But I forgive you." I said and his face seemed to light up. Maybe Austin wasn't all that bad. Maybe we could be friends. Maybe I just overreact to things.

After thinking this I felt a headache coming on and placed my glass down on a table beside me.

"Are you okay?" Austin asked worriedly and I told him my head hurt.

"I have some Advil. I keep it just in case I end up crashing and wake up with a hangover." Well, the guy was prepared.

"Thanks." I said and swallowed the two pills. My head still pounded from the music and he seemed to notice this too.

"Want to go somewhere where it's not as loud?" he asked amusedly.

Instead of responding I nodded again. My mouth seemed unable to move and I couldn't speak. I just shook my head and let Austin lead me upstairs to an empty bedroom.

I sat down on the bed and tried to focus on something but it was damn near impossible. I felt myself relax into the bed and I couldn't even move my arms to push Austin back when he leaned down over me. I couldn't stop James when he walked in and kissed me. Then I blacked out.


I woke up in a cold sweat and realized I wasn't in my bed. I was at Aaron Richards house in some strangers bed alone. I looked down and realized I was naked. I couldn't remember anything that had happened after Austin had given me a lemonade.

I still heard the music thumping downstairs and looked at the alarm clock on the bedside table. It read 11:55 p.m. and I shot up out of bed only to have an immense pain shoot through me in a place it shouldn't have. I quickly dressed myself and tried to forget what just happened, hoping it was nothing. If I forget about it, it's like it never happened.

I rushed downstairs, still feeling a pain between my thighs and searched for Carson. When I found him, he was running his fingers through his hair, talking quickly with Lucas.

I ran over to them and they looked extremely relieved to see me.

"Oh thank God." Luke had said and Carson looked angry.

"Where the hell were you? I was worried sick Cassandra. You just seemed to disappear for two hours. I was calling you off the walls. I was ready to shut this party down myself." he screamed.

"I'm sorry. I don't know-" he cut me off.

"Whatever. It doesn't matter. We need to get home before Mom kills us." he grabbed my wrist and lead me out of the house with Lucas hot on our tails.

We got in at exactly 12:04 and hurried up the stairs into our respected rooms. I changed into my pajamas and crashed into the bed when I heard footsteps outside my door.

The door creaked open and I hoped it looked like I was sleeping to Cheryl.

"Cassie?" I turned because it wasn't Cheryl that spoke but Carson.

"Yeah?" I asked and he had me move over in bed, laying next to me.

Just then I realized Maggie wasn't here. She must've slept with Cheryl tonight.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you." he whispered and I shrugged it off.

"It's okay." I replied.

"No, it's not. I shouldn't have done that. Are you okay?" he asked as he wiped a tear away from my eye.

No. It's what I wanted to say. Something happened tonight. Something bad that I needed to remember.. The idea that...I can't even say it. I can't even think how. I just needed to forget. Remembering would only hurt me more.

"Kiss me." I told Carson and he did, slowly as if it was the last one we'd ever share. I kissed him back with more force and leaned back so he was hovering over me.

"I love you Cassie." he told me and I felt more tears come to my eyes.

"What's wrong?" he asked a second time.

"I just, I love you too Carson." As Carson showed me in the gentlest of ways of how he loved me, I chanted the same four words over and over in my head guiltily.

I need to forget. I need to forget. I need to forget.

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