Chapter 23

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I angrily threw my clothes in my duffle bag, making everything wrinkled. I zipped up my bag and ran downstairs to see everyone was sitting in the living room and watching a movie.

Cheryl looked at me and all my things with scrunched eyebrows.

"What are you doing?" she asked lightly.

"Um, I'm going to stay with my Dad. I called him earlier today and told him that I wanted to get to know him again. I really appreciate everything you've done for me. Really." I told her and she frowned.

"You're welcome back anytime. Even if you just want to have a girls night. I know the boys can be moody." She stood to give me a hug, "Do you need a ride?" She laughed watching me struggle with my bag.

I looked to Carson who was staring at the floor and Luke who looked from me back to his brother. "I should be fine. It's not a far walk." I said.

"Don't be silly. He lives across town. Carson, could you drive Cassandra to her new home?" she asked and I felt the air get sucked from the atmosphere.

"Fine." he mumbled and grabbed the cars keys he shared with Lucas, walking out the front door.

I thanked Cheryl one last time and slightly waved at Luke, who I haven't spoken to much and Maggie who ran over to me, hugging my legs tight.

"We'll miss you." she said.

"I'll miss you guys too." I squatted to her level.

"Take care of your brothers for me. Okay?" I whispered and she nodded.

I walked out the door and threw my stuff into the back seat of the car, hopping into the front passenger side.

Carson remained silent as we drove and I realized I hadn't given him the address.

"Oh, the address is-"

"Mom gave me the address." he cut me off.

"Okay." I said quietly.

Finally, I couldn't take the silence. "Listen, I know it probably doesn't matter what I say. You probably will never forgive me. I mean even I wouldn't forgive myself but, I was given a bad drink that I thought was harmless. I drank it and Austin gave me questionable pills. He helped me upstairs because I was too drunk or drugged to even stand on my own two feet. I didn't mean to hurt you. I never wanted to hurt you Carson."

After I attempted at explaining myself, Carson still stared straight ahead at the road and his fists held the wheel so tightly that I thought they might break.

He didn't respond and pulled onto a road in front of a beautiful white ranch. He put the car in park and I looked out to see my father, Byron, and my father's wife, standing on their porch. Then I saw someone I wasn't expecting. My Aunt walked out from the house looking a lot different than from when I saw her on my birthday. Her overall appearance seemed cleaner.

"Aunt Ray?" I whispered and didn't realize the car was so silent Carson could hear me.

My father started walking up to the car when he noticed I hadn't made an attempt to move. I was snapped out of my thoughts and realized that I needed to get out of the car.

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