Chapter 10

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I gently knocked on Carson's door before I heard him muffle a, "Come in". I entered and saw him laying on his back staring up at his blank bedroom ceiling. I quietly closed the door behind me and went over to the edge of his bed, sitting down next to him. "How are you feeling?" I asked him and he remained silent, staring at the ceiling.

"Lucas didn't come home yet. I'm sure he's fine." I said and silence still suffocated us. "Listen, what happened tonight sucks. I understand. Just...please talk to me." I looked down at Carson who was watching me.

I gave him a half smile and ran my fingers through his hair which made him sigh. "I'm sorry." He croaked and I gently took his face with both of my hands, making him look me in the eye. "There is nothing you need to be sorry for. None of what happened tonight was your fault, okay?" He showed me a half-ass smile but it was something.

"Let's play a game or something." I suggested and Carson looked to me curiously. "What game?" He asked. "How about we just ask questions? Let's get our mind off of tonight. I can't think of anything else."

"Any rules?" He questioned me and I shook my head. "No rules. We have to answer though. No matter what." I said and Carson agreed, sitting up a little straighter.

"I'll go first, if tomorrow you had the option to have any ability or quality, what would it be?" I asked him and he seemed stumped. I know it was a basic question but I was curious. I'd probably pick being athletic or something. "I'd want to have telepathy." He said seriously and I almost laughed. "Telepathy? Why?"

"Cause I'd know what goes on in people's minds. I'd know how they feel about things. It would be interesting to know what others feel. Maybe I could even figure you out." He was right. It would be interesting to read others minds or know what they're thinking. Although if he knew half the things I thought he'd run for the hills.

"Okay, I got one for you. If you knew you only had twelve hours to live, how would you spend it?" Kissing you. Woah. Wait, where did that come from? See? There goes the weird thoughts again.

I noticed I was staring at his lips and redirected my attention to one of Luke's sweaters on the floor. "I'd want to spend it being with the people I love."

"Who?" He immediately asked. "Of course you and Lucas. I also think your mom and sister. They're really great." Before he could answer Lucas stumbled in reeking of alcohol. "Well isn't it my two favorite people in the whole world!" He yelled and Carson got up leading him to the bathroom. "I'm gonna try to sober him up. Night Cassie." "Goodnight." I said parting ways and crawling into bed for the night.

He had a rifle in hand, pacing back and forth. "It's clear." A man on a staticky transmitter spoke. The men walked out when one noticed something poking out of the ground that looked a lot like a-"BOM-" the explosions started. His body laid there, blown to bits and all I did was stare at it. Watching all the blood flow out of his body. "Dad?" I screamed. "Daddy wake up!" I screeched louder with each yell. "Dad! Dad get up! Daddy!"

"Daddy!" My scream woke me and I sat up immediately, noticing the thin coat of sweat covering my body. I looked over at Maggie who was still soundly sleeping. I guess I wasn't as loud as I thought. I quietly got out of bed and sneaked down the stairs, avoiding the creaks. I switched on the kitchen light and grabbed a mug from the top of the cabinet. I could barely reach it.

I turned around and nearly had a heart attack seeing Carson. "Did I startle you?" His voice was flat when he spoke. "A little. What are you doing up?" He took another sip of his tea.

"I could ask you the same thing." He countered. I rolled my eyes, "Just had a bad dream." I sighed and went to pour some tea when I noticed the kettle was empty.

I angrily put it down and grabbed a Gatorade from the fridge. Carson was watching my every move and it was starting to unnerve me. "What?" I snapped at him. I couldn't focus on anything right now. My nightmare was still haunting me. "You look like you saw a ghost. Are you alright?" He questioned and I glared at him. "I'm fine."

I felt a burning sensation behind my eyes and I told myself not to cry. There was no reason to. I took a long sip from my drink and focused on the tiled flooring. Carson seemed to notice my discomfort and walked over to me. "What was your nightmare about?" He asked and I shook my head. I didn't want him to pity me.

"I'm here for you Cassie. You have to let me in." I wiped at the stray tears falling from my eyes. "It was about my Dad." I croaked and looked up into Carson's eyes. For some reason I relaxed a little. "He left when I was about six to enter the military." Carson urged me to continue. "We didn't see him for a couple years. Then one day, which happened to be my eighth birthday, this guy came to our door. He told us there was an explosion and they couldn't find his and a few others bodies but everyone else had died. My mom-" I took a deep breath.

"My mom was broken. She didn't do anything besides sleep and eat for a year. One day she decided to actually step up though." I inhaled with a shaky breath. "She knew I really wanted this Barbie suitcase. Whenever she was in bed I'd tell her about it. So, she went to get that for me. She told me she'd be back soon and that I'd be getting the best present." I started to cry.

"She never came home. She never came home because some low life had to drink and drive. She was starting to come back and he ruined that for me. I was always so angry. I hope that guy rots in jail." As I spoke my voice got louder and louder so Carson hugged me tight to muffle my cries.

"My nightmare was about my Dad. I stood there seeing him being blown up and all I could do is stand there helplessly!" I started to cry harder and gripped to Carson for dear life.

"Shh," He cooed. "You have us. You'll be okay." He said to me and as each moment passed I felt the tension ease more and more being in his arms. "We should get back to bed." He let go and I pulled him back by his shirt. "Can I stay with you?" I asked him and he nodded his head, leading me upstairs to his room.

Lucas was still sleeping and Carson looked a little nervous. He started to move a blanket to the floor when I asked him what he was doing. "I'll take the floor." He said and I picked the blanket back up. "You don't have to." I slid into his bed and threw the blanket over me. Carson stood there for a moment before sliding into bed and going under the covers with me. I turned with my back facing him and just as I fell asleep I felt his arms encircle me.

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