Chapter 1

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Sharon sat at the kitchen table letting her hands warm on the mug of hot tea, but she hadn't even touched it yet. She had no idea what to make of the morning she had just had. It was the 6th time that she had woken up sick and gotten sick though the day. But Andy had made a comment, that of course got her to thinking, he had said her breasts were bigger. Of course he would be the one to notice. After going to the drug store last night she had her worst nightmare, and best dream, confirmed, she was pregnant. Or at least the home test said she was. She had hardly slept last night and didn't let Andy stay over needing some time to herself, she wasn't exactly young anymore at least night for having children, besides she was trying to get Rusty through college. Rusty walked out of his bedroom smiling at Sharon but she didn't acknowledge him.
"You alright Sharon?" He asked, She looked at him nodded slightly.
"Can I make you breakfast?" She asked standing up, feeling nauseous as she did.
"No I'm actually grabbing some with a friend to go over homework, remember I told you last night" He said grabbing some orange juice from the fridge.
"Oh yes you did, sorry" Sharon shook her head sitting back down, Rusty watched her.
"Are you sure you are alright?" He asked again.
"I'm not sure" Sharon sighed placing her head in her hands. He looked at her worried now. "I just need to figure some things out." She said looking back up at him.
"If you want I can cancel and stay here, do chores around the house or we could just talk." Rusty said sitting down across from her.
"No go have breakfast with your friend I have things I need to do today anyway." Sharon said taking his hand.
"If something was wrong you would tell me right?" Rusty asked.
"Yes, and I will tell you what's going on I promise" She said with a smile.
"Okay, I'm going to go get ready" He said getting up from the table.
She felt guilty hiding this from him but he wasn't the only one, and she needed to make sure that she was for sure pregnant and that everything was okay. And that was before she would even dare telling Andy.


It had turned out that she was indeed pregnant, when she had told Andy he was beyond happy, giving her a little more faith that he was at least a better man than her ex-husband. It had taken a week to get the test results back, after she found out she was farther along than she had thought, closer to 3 months. The baby was fine but of course her own health was at risk but her doctor was confident that this should go without a hitch. Of course now it had been two weeks since she found out and she still hadn't told Rusty about his soon-to-be baby sibling. Her plan was to tell him after she got home from work. She was ready for this day to be over and the endless paperwork to be done. There was a soft knock at the door, looking up she found it was Andy.
"Hi, come in" She said setting her pen down.
"You feeling okay?" He asked closing the door.
"I'm telling Rusty tonight." She sighed leaning back in her chair.
"Do you need me to be there?" Andy asked moving around to sit on her desk.
"No I think it's better just the two of us, but be near your phone just in case I need you" She said laying her hand on his knee.
"Of course, and how's my little guy doing?" He asked reaching out to lay his hand on her stomach.
"Fine, and how do you know it's not a girl?" Sharon asked smirking. They could have known the sex but decided to wait.
"Father's intuition" He smirked, shaking her head she leaned up kissing him softly.
"Get back to work" She whispered.
"Whatever you say Captain." He smiled kissing her again.
By now all the major crimes department knew they were together but it would be some time before they knew about the baby.
Getting home she opened the door smelling food. She smiled walking into the apartment seeing Rusty at the stove.
"Something smells good" Sharon smiled.
"Chicken alfredo and pasta" He beamed.
"Is there an occasion?" She asked setting her bag down.
"Well you said you had wanted to talk to me and I figured if I made dinner you would have less to yell at me about." Sharon laughed sitting down.
"Good thinking but I'm not going to yell at you." She said, He smiled and set plates at the table. "Do you need help?" She asked.
"Nope, you stay there and don't do anything."
"Won't complain about that." She smiled watching as he served dinner and sat down.
"So what did you need to talk to me about?" He asked when they were both settled.
"Do you remember a couple weeks ago when I said I needed to figure out a few things?" She asked watching him.
"Yeah, I take it you did" Sharon nodded.
"I did..." She paused wanting to just come out and say it but her voice no longer worked.
"I already know Sharon." He sighed looking up at her.
"And what do you know?" She asked.
"That your pregnant" Rusty replied.
"A few days ago you were digging in your purse and some papers fell out, I looked at them and it was your test results. So I put them back in your purse." He admitted.
"Why didn't you say anything?" Sharon asked shocked.
"Because I figured that you would tell me."
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you when I first found out but I just wanted to make sure and that everything was okay."
"Is it?" He asked sounding worried.
"Everything is fine" She smiled at his concern. "How do you feel about it?" SHe asked.
"I'm happy, but I'm going to worry about you until it gets here." Sharon smiled shaking her head.
"You don't have to worry about me Rusty, as your mom that's my job not yours." Sharon said.
"Sharon, I love you, and right now you're all I truly have. So let me worry and you can worry about me." Rusty said softly.
"Hey, I'm not going anywhere and I am going to do everything I can to make sure that this baby is healthy and so am I." Sharon explained, Rusty nodded.
"Can I do anything?" He asked after a moment Sharon smiled.
"For right now don't say anything to anyone" Rusty nodded.
"Not even Ricky and Emily?" He asked.
"No, I'm going to tell them soon but I want it to be face-to-face." Sharon said finally digging into the delicious dinner.
"So are you and Andy going to get married?" He asked making her choke on some food, coughing she calmed herself down.
"We hadn't discussed that far ahead yet." Sharon said taking a sip of water. "Would you be okay if we did?" She asked, now intrigued by her son's question.
"I like Andy, and if he makes you happy then that's all that matters." Rusty said getting up to wash his plate.
"You know I love you no matter what right?" Sharon asked, Rusty looked at her from the kitchen and smiled.
"I know" He replied coming back to take her now empty plate.
"Thank you for dinner it was spectacular." She smiled.
"You're welcome, but uh, I kinda had something I wanted to talk to you about as well." He said biting his lip as he sat back down.
"Of course" She said leaning into the table.
"So remember how I have been having breakfast with a friend for a while and we have been talking about class?"
"Yeah" Sharon nodded.
"Well we have been talking a lot more and I really like him, but I don't know if he likes me back." He sighed.
"Is he gay?" Sharon asked Rusty laughed.
"Yes, he is."
"So why don't you know?"
"I mean we flirt and talk all the time but he hasn't said anything to suggest he even likes me as more than a friend."
"Ask him to come over and watch a movie or something." Sharon suggested.
"Right now?"
"Why not it's a Friday night and you don't have classes in the morning." Sharon shrugged.
"No way, I love you but that's a lot of pressure for anyone to meet a mom. And you're a cop on top of that."
"I'll make myself scarce Andy and I need to talk anyway." She smiled, Rusty sighed pulling out his phone. Smiling she laid her hand on her stomach, this was one hurdle she was over and she couldn't have been more grateful for her adopted son.

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