Chapter 13

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After weeks of what felt like never ending work Sharon finally had a day off to enjoy with Andy and Ryder.  He was 2 and a half already and it felt like her World had sped up, like it was just yesterday they found out she was pregnant.  Sharon didn't miss her pregnancy days and was glad they were over.  Ironically she went through menopause last year.  But Ryder, he had been her blessing in disguise.  He had grounded her, made her feel young and like these were better days then she could have ever dreamed. 

It was about noon when Sharon walked into the living room after leaving Ryder and Andy to their own devices while she showered.  Now she smiled seeing Ryder asleep on Andy's chest and Andy asleep as well.  Pulling out her phone she took a quick picture before moving into the kitchen to make some lunch.  She decided on tuna salad for them and a PB&J for Ryder.  Working as quietly as she could glancing over every now and again to see them sleep. Finishing up she washed her hands and plated the food. Walking over she leaned over the back of the couch kissing Andy's head gingerly. He grunted softly, making her smile.

"Lunch is ready" She said making him nod.

"Hey bud you ready for some lunch?" Andy asked rubbing Ryder's back.

"Mmmm, mama" Ryder moaned rubbing his eyes.

"I'm right here pumpkin." She smiled. He lowered himself off the couch and walked around towards Sharon reaching for her hand. "You still sleepy?" She asked lifting him up.

"Uh huh, tummy hungry too."

"I made you pb&j" she said putting him in the booster seat.

"What do you say?" Andy asked sitting down across from him.

"Tank you mamma" He said beaming up at her. 

"You're welcome!  Do you want apple juice, water or milk?"

"Juccceee" he replied. 

Grabbing his sippy cup she got him the juice before sitting down. They sat eating every so often Ryder would chime in with his food talk blabber, but they didn't mind. Sharon felt Andy's hand run across her thigh and she laid her hand on his smiling at him.

"Mamma?" Ryder said looking up from his food.

"Yeah pumpkin."

"Can we watch Cho-cho?" He asked

"Finish lunch then we can, it's rainy outside today." Sharon replied hearing the low rumble of thunder off in the distance.

He frowned and nodded, "icky out."

Andy laughed, "we like it when it's sunny."

Sharon laughed shaking her head, she was so incredibly happy now with her boys. They meant the world to her and she would do anything for them. Ryder had pinched his finger and started crying.

"Oh it's okay, did you hurt your finger?" Sharon asked.

He nodded pouting as he held up his pointer finger. Sharon kissed it softly, "wanna sit on my lap?" He nodded tears running down his cheeks, brushing them away she kissed his cheek. Pulling him onto her lap she bounced him slightly. "Its okay, it's just a little bobo."

Sharon glanced at Andy who smiled softly at her. Yeah this was a pretty good life.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2019 ⏰

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