Chapter 10

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Note: Not a chapter I am really excited about but still think it's cute with lots of fluff.  I missed my favorite nugg's birthday when I wrote this so yeah.  I think at some point I will do a tag along chapter in Husband & Wife between Sharon and Andy and their feelings more but let me know!!!

Sharon smiled watching her kids as the sat around the living room laughing. It was Ryder's first birthday and all the kids had gotten together to celebrate. Emily was playing with Ryder on the floor, Ricky sat on the couch talking with Andy and Nicole was curled up in a chair laughing with Emily. Rusty got up from his chair and walked over to the kitchen where Sharon was finishing up their dinner. Sharon smiled at him.

"What do you need?" She asked.

"Nothing, seeing if you needed help." He said leaning on the counter.

"You could get the salad out for me, it's in the fridge." Sharon said.

Emily picked Ryder up walking into the kitchen as well.

"Ma'ma" Ryder said reaching out towards her.

"Hi baby boy" Sharon smiled putting her spatula down to take him.

"Dinner almost ready honey?" Andy asked looking towards the kitchen.

"Yes" Sharon rolled her eyes. "Can you put this on the table?" Sharon asked handing Emily the food.

They all ate dinner talking and laughing about Ryder and his silly little grin.

"Haaappppyyy Birthday to you!!! Yay" Everyone sang while Andy and Sharon helped Ryder blow out the candle. They all laughed as Ryder dug into the cake.

"I'm glad we got cupcakes too" Andy laughed.

Sharon laughed kissing Ryder on top of the head. Emily smiled watching her mom with her little brother.

"I hate to do this but I have to get going" Nicole said looking at her phone.

"It's fine sweetie, thank you for coming." Andy smiled hugging her.

"Yeah of course" Nicole smiled hugging Sharon.

"Tell Gage Ryder loves the bear he gave him" Sharon smiled, Nicole's step-son had given Ryder his old teddy bear.

"I will" Nicole smiled before saying goodbye to everyone else.

Ricky was the next to leave, he had a job in the morning and needed to get back. Now it was the 5 of them, Emily was staying with them till Monday. She plopped down on the couch while Andy attempted to clean the squirming 1 year old with little success. Finally handing the reigns over to Sharon. She smiled taking the wipes from her husband. She was tired from the long day but these little things, like cleaning up her son, she didn't mind. She loved bath time and time she got to spend being a mother. She would mother Emily all weekend.

"I think he likes you better" Andy sighed.

"I'm sure that's what it is sweetie" Sharon laughed kissing him quickly.

Andy chuckled sitting down in a chair grabbing Sharon's hips. She glanced over her shoulder at him.

"Yes?" She asked smirking.

"Nothing, just like what I see" He smirked. Sharon rolled her eyes.

"Daddy's silly" She said lifting a now clean Ryder from his high chair.

"Da" He giggled making them both smile.

Sharon looked over to the couch not seeing Emily.

"Where did Emily run off to?" She asked Rusty.

"Your room, she said something about not feeling well." Rusty replied.

"Will you take him?" Sharon asked handing Ryder to Andy before walking to her bedroom.

Emily was laying on the bed curled into a ball like when she was little. Sharon closed the door behind her quietly and walked to the bed sitting down laying her hand on Emily's back.

"You alright sweetie?" She asked, Emily nodded. "Do you want to talk?"

"can we just snuggle? I miss my mom" She said looking at Sharon who smiled and slipped off her shoes before curling up next to Emily.

"I miss you too, it's really nice having you home." Sharon said quietly.

"Sometimes I really miss it here." Emily sighed.

"You know you're always welcome." Sharon said looking at her.

"I know, but uh, I actually might be back soon."

"Really?" Sharon asked excited.

"Yeah, I got offered a job at UCLA as a dance instructor. I could help put together ballet's."

"Sweetie that's amazing." Sharon smiled.

"Yeah, I haven't said yes yet, I have a meeting with them tomorrow to talk more about it but I really like the idea."

"Do what you want, I think no matter what this will be a good experience for you." Sharon said kissing her forehead.

"Thanks mom" Emily smiled.

"Now why did you come in here?" Sharon asked, Emily shrugged.

"I don't know, clear my head I guess."

"Do you want to come back out or stay here?" Sharon asked.

"I kinda just want to stay here but I want baby brother snuggles." Emily smiled.

"I think I can make that happen." Sharon smiled getting up.

Rusty ran in smirking.

"Oh no" Emily cried laughing as he jumped into the bed.

"Am I not the baby brother you wanted?" He pouted. She laughed putting him in a headlock.

"No sorry" She laughed as Sharon walked in with Ryder.

"FINNNEEE" Rusty sighed climbing off the bed walking back out.

"LOVE YOU" She called after him

"Nope" He called back.

"Eh, I've got two others." Emily said her her mom who laughed.

"Ya know, I remember a little three year old who was mad when I told her she was going to be a big sister." Sharon said handing Ryder to Emily who took him happily.

"Yeah well I was three and hated the idea of sharing." She replied.

"Oh yeah I remember" Emily smiled bouncing Ryder on her lap.

"I'll leave you two, I need to clean up. Come out when your ready or you get tired of him." Sharon smirked knowing that wouldn't happen.

She walked out of the bedroom closing the door carefully. Rusty was leaning against the wall and she smiled at him. Without saying anything he slipped his arm around her as they walked towards the living room.

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