Chapter 11

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Sharon walked into the living room only to be greeted with excited giggles from a toddler, her toddler. She looked up from her purse to see Ryder at the table with crafts set up. She smiled standing there to watch Rusty help him make a paper heart.

"What are you making buddy?" Sharon asked.

Andy looked up his jaw dropping when she saw her red dress she was wearing.

"Can you tell mamma what we're making?" Rusty asked in a low whisper.

"Ard" Ryder replied making Sharon laugh.

"A card?" She asked kneeling down beside her son.

"Uh huh,"

"Who's it for?" Sharon asked.

"you mamma, and daddy" Sharon smiled looking up at Andy.

Sharon played with his brown hair kissing the top of his head softly.

"Are you going to be good for Rusty?" She asked quietly.

Ryder looked at her and nodded.

"You home for story right?"

"Not tonight baby, but Rusty will read you a bedtime story. And mamma will read one in the morning."

"Okay mamma"

"Honey we gotta get going if we are making those reservations." Andy asked from his seat next to Ryder.

"Okay, mamma have a kiss?"

Ryder leaned in giving her a kiss. Andy leaned over ruffling Ryder's hair.

"Bye buddy, be good for your brother" Andy said.

Rusty followed Sharon and Andy to the front door. Sharon turned to face Rusty.

"You can call me if you need anything" Sharon said, Rusty smiled opening the door.

"I know, now have a good time Ryder and I will be fine."

"I'll have her home by 10" Andy smirked slipping Rusty a 20.

"Have fun you two" Rusty smirked shutting the door as they walked out.

Sharon slipped her arm around Andy's as they walked towards the door when they arrived home later that night. Andy unlocked the door carefully and they slipped inside. Sharon fumbled trying to find the light switch. Finally the light turned on and they could hear music from the TV playing softly in the living room.

Sharon walked into the room seeing the end credits for a movie going and on the couch were her boys sound asleep. Ryder was curled up against Rusty his hand clutching her blankie. She smiled turning off the TV. Andy walked up to her as she turned on the dim side lamp not wanting to wake Ryder. Andy handed her the craft that the boys had been working on. Rusty had written 'Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad' and Ryder had decorated. Sharon smiled.

"You want to put Ryder to bed?" She asked, Andy nodded and moved to pick Ryder up, carefully he rested the sleeping boy on his shoulder and carried him to his room.

"Rusty" Sharon whispered brushing back his messy hair with her fingers.

He opened his eyes looking at her.

"What time is it?"

"Almost 11, was he okay?" Sharon asked sitting down on the couch next to Rusty as she slipped off her shoes.

"Yeah he was great, I put him to bed around 7 and then about 9 he came out crying because he had a bad dream and wanted you so I let him cuddle up with me on the couch and I put in The Lion King. He fell asleep before I can't wait to be King and I was asleep before Can you feel the love tonight." Sharon laughed.

"Why don't you get to bed okay?" Sharon suggested, Rusty nodded pushing himself off the couch.

Sharon smiled as Andy walked back into the living room.

"He is tucked in with his blankie and his stuffed duck." Andy smiled helping Sharon stand up.

"Mmmm, I want to be tucked in too" Sharon yawned, Andy smiled.

"I don't think I can carry you,"

Sharon hit his chest playfully as she walked with him towards the bedroom.

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