Chapter 3

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XXXX One Month Later XXXX
Letting out a shaky breathe Sharon looked at herself in the mirror, resting her hand on her stomach she smiled. Today was her wedding day to Andy after only a month of being engaged. She didn't care, she was beyond excited and nervous for today, the last time she married it was... No, she had promised herself she wouldn't think of Jack today or think of their marriage. This was a completely new chapter. Adjusting her dress she tried to calm herself down feeling the butterflies and nausea starting in her stomach.
"Mom?" Emily asked walking into the dressing room, Sharon swallowed hard and turned to face her. "You okay?"
"Yeah sweetie" Sharon reached out taking her hand.
"You look stunning, Andy is going to fall in love all over again." Sharon laughed.
"I don't think I've ever been this nervous"
"Don't worry, he loves you and today is going to be perfect" Emily smiled.
"Thank you sweetie" Sharon said kissing Emily's forehead.
"Are you guys ready? Dad is... Oh my, Sharon you look amazing." Nichole smiled.
"Either you both are trying to make me feel better or you really think I look great" Both girls laughed.
"Looks like this is it" Sharon sighed.
The girls smiled walking out of the dressing room to where Rusty and Ricky were waiting for them. The boys both looked up smiling at the girls.
They had rented a small church to hold the ceremony with only friends and family most of whom were from Major Crimes division. Sharon was hardly paying attention to what was going on till Rusty squeezed her hand, she looked at him.
"You know I love you right?" Rusty asked.
Sharon looked at him in awe, not because she had never heard him say that but because he thought that she didn't know.
"I know, and I love you all" Sharon said looking from him to Ricky and Emily who both smiled.
"Love you too mom" Ricky smiled kissing her cheek.
"Alright let's go in before Andy thinks I chickened out." Sharon laughed
Rickey took Emily's arm and Rusty took Nicholes before walking inside and towards the ulter. Sharon stood nervously waiting for them to reach the front of the church. When they did she stepped into the doorway and everyone stood. Just as she started to walk forward Rusty and Ricky ran towards her stopping both offering their arm.
"What are you doing?" Sharon asked.
"Come on mom you really don't think that we would make you walk down yourself do you?" Ricky asked she smiled.
"Yeah mom if anyone is going to give you away it's your son's" Rusty beamed, Sharon held back tears as she hugged Rusty then Ricky. Moving on either side she took their arms letting them walk her down the astle.
Andy was standing up front beaming from ear to ear and Sharon couldn't help but smile and her ridiculous man. When they reached the front she kissed both Rusty and Ricky on the cheek before standing beside Andy.
"I was extremely honored to be asked by Andy to do this today as we have known each other our whole life. I've known these two as a couple for about two years and I can't think of a better parental pair or better friends. But if there is anyone here that thinks these two should not be married speak now." There was a silence and Sharon felt a bit of relief. "Both Sharon and Andy have written their own vows and will share them at this time." The pastor said.
Sharon pulled the ring out from the pocket of the dress and slipped it onto Andy's finger.
"When we first met and worked together for the first time, I didn't know what to think. I was Captain and you were someone I should have never loved but over the years you grew on me and I learned that, even under the face of stone you had the biggest heart, a great sense of humor, and would do anything for people you cared about. I sure didn't think that we would be standing here today with me very pregnant and us more in love than I ever thought possible. I can't wait to see what life in store, what raising this baby will be like, and growing old with you because that sounds like the greatest gift in the world." She smiled, he winked making her laugh.
Pulling out the ring from his coat he slid it onto her finger pausing for a moment, she squeezed his hand seeing that he was teary eyed.
"I had an agenda since the beginning, not necessarily to make you my wife but I'm glad that it made it there. We may have lied to ourselves more often than we should have about or relationship and how we really felt but we're stubborn and we got there eventually. But when we finally did it was the happiest I had ever been. Coming into work every day was a joy because even around all the death and horrible people I got to work with this beautiful woman and I knew I got to call her mine. Growing old with you, or older I guess, is going to be so fun especially if I get to do it with you by my side. I love you and I don't plan on ever stopping." He beamed.
"By the power vested in me by the state of California I pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride." Andy smirked grabbing Sharon's waist pulling her in for a kiss.
"We did it" Andy whispered Sharon smiled.
"We did" She laughed.
"Mr and Mrs Flynn" The pastor said letting them walk towards the back doors. They stopped in the parlor, Sharon turned making him stop taking both of his hands in hers.
"What is it?" Andy asked.
"Nothing" She smiled kissing him softly.
"I love you" He said softly.
"I love you too" She smiled.
He moved her arms around him pulling her close.
"As your children please stop before we throw up" Ricky groaned.
"Shush they're cute" Emily said hitting his arm.
"Thank you" Sharon laughed.
Letting out a sigh she saw everyone walking out.
"Time to wade through the congratulations" Sharon sighed.
"I'm right here" Andy said kissing her temple.
Sharon smiled resting her hand on his back as they smiled at their friends while they walked out. She wanted to go home and snuggle up on the couch with her new husband without having to force a smile that she wanted to just come naturally. She was so happy but she was pregnant and tired. Andy ran circles on her back looking at her ignoring the people that shook his hand. He smiled though knowing that he was now married to Sharon. The people thinned and made their way outside to the bus that was waiting. Andy turned to Sharon kissing her sfotly feeling the baby kick beneath them. Smiling he rested his hand on her stomach and forehead against hers closing his eyes.

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