Chapter 6

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"Sharon you about ready?" Andy asked leaning against the back of the couch. Sharon walked down the hall towards him.

"Are we sure this is a good idea?" She asked.

"We've been planning this for a month Sharon."

"I know but..."

"I know you don't want to leave him sweetie but he's in good hands" Andy said glancing at Rusty who was holding Ryder.

"Where is everything?" Sharon asked.

"The bottles are filled and in the fridge, I need to warm them in the warmer. His diapers, wipes and powder are in the nursery under the changing table. I have money to get take-out for dinner and I have everyone's number on my phone." Rusty said, Andy smirked.

"Tell me one more time what you'll do if something happens." Sharon said.

"I will call 911 if it is an emergency then you, if I just need help I call Patrice and if I need anything I call Sykes." Rusty said, Sharon nodded.

"We won't be far" Andy said grabbing Sharon's jacket.

"I know, I'll be fine and I will use the app for updates."

"Text me if you have any questions." Sharon said giving Rusty a hug, then kissing Ryder on the forehead.

"I will mom" He smiled.

"Alright, love you" She said with a sigh.

"I love you too now go have fun" Rusty said Andy laughed pushing Sharon out of the condo.

Sharon sat silently looking out the car window as they drove to Hollywood.

"He'll be fine, tonight is about us don't worry about the kid."

"I just hate leaving him." Sharon sighed.

"I know, how do you think I feel every day when I go into work and have to leave the two of you?" Andy asked taking her hand in his.

"I'm sorry" She said looking at him.

"You can do it" He winked, she laughed.

Her phone buzzed in her pocket and she pulled it out glancing at the text from Rusty.

'That awkward moment when Ryder falls asleep like ten minutes into you baby sitting him and your arm falls asleep.' Sharon chuckled.

"Was that Rusty?" Andy asked.

"Yeah Ryder fell asleep and so did Rusty's arm" Sharon laughed.

'You get a few hours of freedom before he wants to be fed. Get homework done.'

'yes mam' Sharon shook her head before putting her phone down.

"Feel better?" Andy asked.

"Yes, but I'll still miss him tonight" Sharon replied.

"Well I suggest we get dinner and then get your mind off of it" He smirked winking at her. She laughed bring his hand up to her mouth she laid a gentle kiss on the back of it.

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