Chapter 9

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Rusty leaned against the wall of the elevator watching the red numbers as the lit up the small screen. He just wanted to get back to the condo and curl up on the couch maybe play with Ryder for a little bit. His mind slipped back to his conversation with his mother no more than 45 minutes ago. The fight they had. He was just trying to make things better not worse and it had failed. The doors opened and Andy got on smiling at Rusty.

"Hey kid, I was just heading out to get dinner." Andy said as Rusty slipped past him.

"Mom in the condo?" He asked.


Rusty nodded and walked to their condo pushing open the door.  Letting out a sigh he put his bag down and walked into the living room. Sharon looked up from the book she had been reading.

"Hey, where have you been?" She asked.

"Uh, I want to go see me mom." He said sitting down on the couch.

"I take from the sigh I caught that it didn't go well" Sharon asked, Rusty shook his head.

"She asked about how I was with 'my new mom' and I told her about this last year and that I have a boyfriend and about Ryder. She didn't take either of them to well." Rusty said laying his head on the back of the couch.

"What did she have to say?" Sharon asked.

"She said that I was nothing more that sick homo son she never wanted and that Ryder was your replacement for me." Rusty said.

Sharon sighed shaking her head.

"I'm sorry Rusty" She said frowning.

"I don't know, I always thought that I would get over her but she's done to much to forgive." Rusty stopped. "Can I ask you something?" He asked.

"Of course" Sharon replied with a soft smile.

"Do you care that I'm gay? I know you like my boyfriend but..."

"Rusty, you are still the same person I adopted, I adopted you knowing that you were gay and I don't care. Everything you are is who I love."

He smiled remember when she had told him that before.

Ryder started to cry from his room and she got up but Rusty stopped her.

"I'll get him" He said jumping up, she smiled and nodded sitting back down.

Rusty walked to the bedroom and lifter Ryder out of the crib.

"Hey bud" He whispered taking him in his arms bouncing lightly to stop his crying. As he walked back to the living room and Sharon smiled.

"I don't care what your mother said seeing you two so close warms my heart and I love both of you" Sharon said as Rusty sat back down and grinned.

"I always wanted a little brother" Rusty said bouncing Ryder.

"And I always wanted a live in babysitter" She smirked, Rusty rolled his eyes.

"Mom thinks she's funny little man" Rusty whispered making Sharon chuckle.

"Are you alright?" She asked softly, Rusty looked at her and nodded.

"Yeah, being back here helps."

"How so?" Sharon asked.

"I mean, it's home." Rusty said simply. Sharon's eyes glistened with tears at his words.

"It will always be here when you need it." She said getting up. She placed a kiss on the top of his head as she passed moving into the kitchen to get more wine.

"Mom's pretty amazing, remember that" Rusty whispered to Ryder who smiled and gave a soft giggle.

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