Chapter 8

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Sharon sighed standing in front of her closet as she decided what to wear. It was Andy's birthday and she wanted it to be perfect. Not only was this the first major celebration as a married couple but also with Ryder. Glancing to the bed smiling when she saw her son giggling happily as he played with his toy. Shaking her head she went over sitting on the bed tickling his feet making him smile.

"Is that laughter I hear?" Andy asked from the doorway, Sharon looked up at him smiling.

"It is" She replied as he walked over. "You're home early" She looked at the clock, he leaned down pressing a soft kiss to her lips.

"We got a confession and Hobbs his taking care of the rest" He said sitting next to Ryder.

"I would have been ready to go if I knew you were coming home early." Sharon said running her fingers through her hair.

"It's fine, it just means I get to lay down with my little gut a little while" Andy said moving to lay on the bed. Lifting Ryder up off his pillow he laid him on his chest rubbing his son's back softly. Sharon smiled before moving to get dressed. She put on a tight fitted blue dress she knew drove him crazy and put a few clips in her hair keeping it out of her eyes before touching up her make-up.

"Mmmm How did I get so lucky?" Andy asked watching her from the bed, she glanced at him in the mirror and smiled.

"I'm the one with two handsome boys in my life." Sharon said, "Oh and a handsome husband" She smirked.

"Haha funny" He scoffed. "And don't you mean four boys or do you forget that you have another son?" Andy said.

"Alright, before I decide to shoot you. Are you ready?" She asked hands on her hips.

"Yes, we're bringing him right?" Andy asked getting up out of the bed.

"Yeah, Rusty's coming too." Sharon said opening the door just as Rusty was about to knock.

"Oh, hi, I was just coming to see if you were ready" Rusty said.

"We are, can you grab Ryder's bag for me?" Sharon asked.

"Already ahead of you Sharon" He said holding up the bag.

"Look at that, it's like he knows the drill" Andy said laying his hand on Sharon's back, Rusty laughed and walked down the hall to the front door.

Andy walked past Sharon and she grabbed his hand making him stop, he turned to look at her.

"Everything alright?" He asked.

"Yeah, I just realized I never told you happy birthday" She smiled, he chuckled leaning in to kiss her. She smiled kissing back softly.

"I love you" He said as they heard Rusty wish at the end of the hall.

Sharon laughed looking at him.

"We should get going so we can embarrass Rusty in public." Sharon smirked walking hand-in-hand with Andy to the door.

"Yeah yeah, if Ryder and I somehow disappear you'll know why" Rusty said holding the door open for them. Andy chuckled and Sharon rolled her eyes. Looking back she saw Rusty making faces as Ryder making the little boy giggle hiding his face in the crook of Andy's neck. She smiled squeezing Andy's hand gently as they stepped onto the elevator.

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