Chapter 2

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XXXXXFour Months LaterXXXX
By this time everyone knew of the pending LAPD baby and everyone, for the most part, was excited and supportive of the situation at hand. Provenza however wasn't around to the idea yet and still gave Andy a hard time and gave Sharon looks every time she was near him. Of course now she was into roughly month 6, almost 7, and she was beginning to slow as captain.
Today was slow and she found herself sitting at her desk as usual doing paperwork and various captain duties. Andy was off somewhere doing something that seemed to have something to do with the baby but Sharon was left out of the loop. The baby was active today, bringing back memories of when she was pregnant with her other two children, but something was different today. Not just with the baby but the whole day it seems.
"Captain" Provenza said poking his head in the door.
"Yes" Sharon said looking up.
"Your ex-husband is in the break room with Ricky" Sharon looked at him in disbelief.
"Please tell me that's a horrible joke." She pleaded.
"Sorry no, does he know?" Provenza asked hesitantly.
"Not that I know of"
"Do you want me to go in with you?" Sharon smiled softly.
"Thank you but that isn't necessary."
He nodded as she stood up and walked towards the break room. She paused before pushing open in the door.
Ricky and Jack were sitting at the table both with drinks.
"Ricky" Sharon smiled not looking at Jack.
"Hi mom" He smiled standing up to hug her.
"Sharon" Jack said standing up. She stuck out her hand as he went for a hug, Ricky held back his smirk. He was never one to be close to his father.
"What are you doing here Jack?"
"I'm sorry mom, he showed up my place and it slipped out about you" Ricky said glancing at her stomach.
"It's fine, but what I would like to know is if we are divorced why do you care?" Sharon asked crossing her arms.
"Looking out for my children." Jack replied.
"What, the children that you were never there for? As I recall I was the one to sooth every tear and did my best to give them a good home. You only came around when it was convenient." Sharon replied.
"This pregnancy isn't good for you Sharon." He said sternly.
"You don't have a say in this, I'm almost seven months pregnant and I'm fine, but this child is none of your business." Sharon spat. "Now I ask you to leave before I have you escorted out." Sharon said opening the door.
"Don't say I didn't tell you, you're as stubern as the day I married you." He said storming out.
"And the day I divorced you." Sharon shook her head looking back at Ricky. "Go make sure he get's where he's going alright."
"He's staying with me" Ricky sighed kissing his mom's cheek. "Before I leave this is for you, well the baby." He said handing her the box.
"Thank you," Sharon smiled kissing his cheek before he left.
With a sigh she walked back to Provenza sitting down at the chair near his desk, he turned looking at her.
"Flynn is better for you than that man ever was" He said, she smiled and nodded.
"I think I'm going to head home, at least there I don't have to deal with paperwork and ex-husbands." Sharon said pushing herself up, wincing slightly.
"Are you alright?" Provenza asked. Sharon nodded laying her hand on her stomach.
"He decided to kick me in the ribs" She sighed.
"I just find myself saying it" Sharon laughed.
"What do you hope for?" He asked.
"I would love for a little girl again, but a boy would be just as lovely." Sharon said with a smile.
"Go home Captain" He smiled.
"Have a good night" She replied he nodded as she walked back to her office to collect her things.
"Captain" Provenza said again.
"Hmmm" Sharon said looking up as she walked towards the elevators.
"Andy's nervous, he may not show it but he is. Just thought you should know." She nodded.
"He's not the only one." She smiled softly before leaving.
Pulling out her phone she texted Andy.
'Are you home?' She asked as she got on the elevator.
'Not yet, why?' He replied.
'I need you, come over when your done'
'ARE YOU OKAY?' She laughed but thought his concern was sweet none the less
'Yes, just need to talk' She replied before stepping off the elevator and walking to the car.
She got home and went inside ready to slip off her shoes and curl up on the couch, but the light was on in the living room, she never even turned lights on this morning before she left. Drawing her gun she walked quietly inside before seeing Rusty on the couch making out with, another man, for some reason she was surprised. Laughing to herself she cleared her throat. Rust jumped and looked up lips red and swollen face pink and eyes wide.
"MOM" He breathed.
"Sorry I can go" She said feeling guilty.
"No it's fine I didn't expect you home early." Rusty said shyly. "Uh this is Liam the friend I told you about, Liam this is my mom Sharon."
"Hi" Liam said looking at Sharon.
"Nice to finally meet you Liam, Rusty has told me a lot about you." She smiled. Rusty smiled.
"So what are you doing home?" Rust asked looking at the clock.
"I had an interesting day." Sharon sighed putting her purse down.
"I should go, I have class soon anyway. I'll text you tonight" Liam said grabbing his bag. "It was nice to meet you." He smiled at Sharon. "Bye" He said hurrying out.
"Sorry I didn't want to drive him away." Sharon said moving to the chair.
"It's fine I was having trouble breathing anyway" Rusty smirked, Sharon rolled her eyes at her son's humor. "What happened at work?" He said resting his arm along the back of the couch.
"Jack came in, wanted to tell me about how this pregnancy was bad for me." She said with a sigh.
"Does he hear himself?" Rusty asked.
"No his head is too clouded in self-righteousness."
"Does Andy know?"
"Not yet he's coming over though, I've been very emotional all the way home."
"What's that?" Rusty asked seeing the gift in her hand.
"Not sure Ricky gave it to me, he said it was for the baby." Sharon said ripping open the paper to reveal a small box, opening it she smiled, tears coming to her eyes.
"What is it?"
"It's a raddle, Ricky had one when he was a baby and so did Emily. I don't even know where he found one like this." It was old with sheep on it and stars.
"An antique store, he sent Emily and I a picture" Rusty smirked.
"Great my children are ganging up on me, I really hope this one is a girl so I won't be outnumbered." She said as the doorbell rang, Rusty laughed getting up.
"I need to go do homework, I'll leave you two" He said as Sharon got up to get it.
"Okay" She smiled.
She opened the door smiling at Andy softly.
"What happened?" He asked stepping inside.
"Jack, he came into work with Ricky today. He tried to tell me that this baby was a mistake and that it wasn't good for me."
"You know that's not true."
"It wasn't a lie, we didn't plan on this and it could be dangerous." She sighed.
"Come on" He said leading her to the couch, sitting down he let her slide down next to him putting his arm around her gently.
"I know what he said, he had no place, but it still hurt." She sighed ;leaning against him.
"Don't let it get to you, what he said wasn't in his place. He doesn't matter, you are amazing Sharon Raydor no matter what Jack says." She smiled feeling his lips press against her temple.
"He's my ex husband, I was married to him for longer than I care to admit and loved him longer than I should have. Now I have you and everything changed." She looked at him, he smiled softly.
"How about I take you out for dinner at the place down the street and maybe show you how much I love you." He smirked, Sharon smiled.
"Sounds lovely." She said, he stood up turning to help her up. "Oh, give me a second" She said catching her breath.
"What is it?" He asked kneeling down in front of her.
"Just a kick Andy I promise" She chuckled taking his hand squeezing it softly.
"You have to stop scaring me like that" He shook his head laying his hand on her stomach. "We're gonna be great." She smiled kissing him softly.
"Come on our baby's hungry" He laughed standing up again.
"I need to tell Rusty we're leaving." She said walking to Rusty's room knocking softly on the door. "Andy and I are going out for dinner, can you fend for yourself?" She asked Rusty chuckled and nodded.
"Have a good time but don't stay out too late" He smirked she rolled her eyes closing the door.
They went to the restaurant and got a booth, with plenty of stares from people.
"They all know I'm too old for this."
"You're never too old, they don't know that you're a captain of LAPD." He said taking her hand.
"You're the best thing to ever happen to me." She smiled rubbing her thumb along the back of his hand.
"I have a question for you" He said after a moment.
"What?" She asked looking up from her salad.
"Well we've been seeing each other for a while now and obviously are moving towards family, so I guess what I want to ask is. Will you marry me?" He asked laying his right hand out to reveal a ring.
"Oh my... I didn't... It... Yes" She babbled for a moment
He smiled sliding the ring carefully onto her finger. She held back tears as she was filled with emotions.
"These hormones I swear" She laughed looking at him.
"I love you" He said, she stopped. It's not like he had never said it before but at this moment everything seemed real and so much more than she could have ever dreamed.
"Love you too" She said unable to stop smiling. "We're getting married" She beamed.
"We are and having a baby."
"Pretty good at our age" He chuckled.
She looked down at the ring again smiling as the waitress brought their food congratulating them on the engagement. She was realizing just how lucky she was, for the first time in her life she felt as though her life was headed in the right direction even if it wasn't conventional and a tad out of order. Everything happened for a reason and she had the amazing man across from her to help along the way.

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