Chapter 7

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Sharon pushed the stroller into the elevator as Andy held the door for her.

"Hi honey" She smiled kissing him when the doors closed.

"Hi, how's my little man?" Andy asked leaning down to unbuckle him, picking him up he laid Ryders head on his shoulder.

"I swear you would think that you didn't see him this morning" Sharon laughed.

"I did, for a half hour" Andy said, Sharon smiled.

"How's the case coming?" Sharon asked.

"Mostly good, we thought we had the killer but just turned out to be a dead end." Andy said as the doors opened.

Stepping off Sharon put the stroller against the wall and grabbed the diaper bag following Andy.

"Oh, Flynn brought baby Raydor" Sykes smiled seeing them.

Sharon laughed.

"Really Raydor?" Andy asked.

"Yeah, he sure doesn't look like you" She smirked.

Provenza walked towards them looking at Ryder.

"Alright, let me hold my godson" He sighed.

"Don't sound so excited" Sharon laughed as Andy handed Ryder over. Andy chuckled leaning against his desk. Ryder looked up at Provenza grabbing at his tie.

"I see why Patrice likes you so much" He cooed, Sharon laughed moving towards her office to do paperwork while Andy stayed with everyone. Letting out a sigh she fell into her chair and pulled the stack of files toward her. She worked her way through the stack signing papers and reading case files. There was a soft knock on the door and Andy walked in with Ryder.

"He needs fed" Andy said, Sharon looked at her phone.

"He has a bottle in the bag." Sharon said.

Andy grabbed the bag pulling out a bottle and formula.

"Do you want him while I go warm it?" He asked. Sharon smiled.

"Of course" She said standing up.

Ryder clung to her and she swayed slowly while she waited for Andy. Ryder was fussy and wanted food.

"Captain?" Sanchez said at her door.

Sharon looked up and smiled softly at him.

"How can I help you?" She asked.

"Uh, you remember what happened to my wife and daughter?" He asked, Sharon nodded. "Well, I was going through some of our old things. I put most of it in storage but some of it was still at my house. I couldn't bring myself to get rid of our baby things after they...I found this and I wanted you to have it" He said handing her a box.

"Julio you didn't have..."

"No mam please, you are so incredibly blessed to have him." Sharon smiled looking at Ryder. She opened the box on her desk pulling out a stuffed bunny rabbet. Sharon smiled.

"Her room was going to be bunny theme. I had gotten that for her." Julio explained.

"Do you like it?" Sharon cooed waving it in front of Ryder, he reached out playing with it's ears. "I think he likes it." Sharon laughed.

"I'm glad" Sharon looked up smiling softly at him.

"Thank you Julio" She said, he nodded smiling at her kindly.

"Alright here ya go buddy" Andy said walking back into Sharon's office. "What's this?" He asked.

"A gift from Julio, it was his daughters" Sharon said looking at Julio.

"I'll leave you to feed him" He said walking out.

"You alright?" Andy asked looking at Sharon.

"Yeah I'm fine." She said kissing Andy softly.

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