Chapter 5

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XXXXX One month laterXXXX

Rusty sat in the hospital waiting room nervously with his adopted siblings. He knew he shouldn't worry but Sharon meant a lot to him. She had made his life worth living and made his a better person because of it. He glanced at his phone, it had been seven hours, how long did having a baby take? Laying his head back he looked up at the ceiling trying to take his mind off of everything. He felt Ricky's hand on his shoulder and opened his eyes looking at him.

"She'll be fine little brother." He said calmly.

"I know, this is just taking forever." Ricky chuckled.

"Play some cards while we wait?" Emily asked from her spot across from Ricky.

"Sure" Both Ricky and Rusty said as she pulled out a deck of cards from her purse.

"Do you just carry cards around with you?" Ricky asked, Emily rolled her eyes.

"I had them cuz I was going to visit mom and I knew she was going stir crazy in the house." Emily replied.

They were in the middle of an intense game of go fish and all laughing hysterically at each other when Andy walked down the hall looking tired. They stopped setting down their cards and stood up.

"Is everything okay?" Emily asked.

"Yeah, just slow, you kids should go home and get some rest. It might be a while before the baby gets here." Andy said.

"Will they do a c-section?" Emily asked.

"Sharon doesn't want one but if it takes to long or if something goes wrong they may have to. I'll keep you posted I promise." Andy said giving Emily a hug.

"Do you mind if I go see her?" Emily asked.

"Go ahead she's the second door on the left" Emily nodded looking at Ricky and Rusty.

"I'll come too" Ricky said.

"I think I'm going to wait." Rusty said sitting back down to pick up the cards.

Emily and Ricky walked to Sharon's room and Andy sat down next to Rusty.

"You alright?" Andy asked.

Rusty nodded with a sigh, then after a moment shook his head.

"She's all I have, it's like I knew she's going to be okay but it still scares me." Rusty said avoiding Andy's gaze.

"You're not the only one" Andy replied making Rusty look at him. "Go home and get some sleep." Andy said standing up as Emily and Ricky walked back out.

"She wanted to see you" Emily said "I said you weren't feeling well"

"Thanks" Rusty replied.

"Let's go home" Ricky said.

Rusty laid in bed unable to sleep when his phone went off. Sitting up he grabbed his phone, it was a text from Sharon. Opening his phone he looked at the text.

I hope you feel better

I'm fine, I didn't really feel bad I didn't want to see you in the hospital... Sorry it was bad of me, how are you? Do I have a brother yet?

Haha no :( I will most likely have to have a c-section but don't worry about coming in I will be drugged up

Wait I want to see you drugged up that would be hilarious. She didn't reply right away and Rusty started to worry.

Sorry about that, I had a contraction and the doctor came in, set for surgery in an hour

Rusty got up and walked into the living room where Ricky and Emily were sitting watching TV on the couch.

"Did mom text you?" He asked, they both looked at him.

"No, what's going on?" Emily asked looking at her own phone.

"She is having a c-section since it is taking so long." Rusty said.


"An hour"

"I'm going to call Andy and find out what's going on" Emily said walking into the kitchen.

If you kids want just come in tomorrow morning, visitation starts at 9am. Love you all!!!

"She say's she loves us" Rusty said, Ricky smiled. "She want's us to just come tomorrow morning."

"Alright so mom should have the baby by 2 or 3 he is going to let us know when she does and when she is out. But she'll be pretty out of it for a few hours." Emily said walking back to the living room.

The next morning Rusty went into the hospital by himself later in the day after his class. He walked into the room knocking on the door lightly. Sharon looked up smiling when she saw him. He was carrying flowers in a vase for her.

"Hey" He smiled walking over to her bed setting the flowers on the side table.

"Those are lovely" She said hugging him.

"Sorry I couldn't come this morning I had a class" He said glancing at the baby sleeping in the bassinet.

"It's fine, just means you get to meet your brother." Sharon smiled.

"What's his name? Andy wouldn't tell us" Rusty asked.

"Ryder" Sharon said with a smile. "Do you want to hold him?" She said moving to pick him up.

"Sure" Rusty said hesitant, Sharon handed Ryder over carefully.

"Make sure to hold his head." Sharon said, Rusty nodded holding Ryder while he sat on the bed.

Sharon watched Rusty with Ryder happily, it was wonderful knowing that Ryder had a brother like Rusty to grow up knowing. She thought back on Ricky when he first met Rusty claiming her didn't want his own children calling him "Uncle Rusty" because of his past. However Sharon knew what a wonderful young man he had grown up to be and was happy to call him her son and have Ryder call him his big brother. Rusty looked at her.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Nothing, just thinking about how proud I am of you. He has a good big brother." Sharon smiled.

"He's pretty cute" Rusty smiled.

"I think so too" Sharon smiled reaching her hand out, Ryder wrapped his hand around her finger opening his eyes up at them. Sharon felt her heart swell feeling herself fall more and more in love with her son. Both of them and even her two older children. But this was her second chance at being a mother.

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