Chapter 12

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Sharon flipped through a file as Andrea stood beside her deciding their next best course of action in the case. Hearing the stroller coming down the hall she looked up smiling as Rusty walked in with Ryder. Rubbing his eyes Ryder looked tired. She closed the file and Andrea followed her gaze.

"Mamma" Ryder giggled reaching his arms up. Sharon walked over unbuckling him before lifting him up kissing his cheek.

"Hi buddy, you just wake up?" She asked glancing at Rusty.

"Yeah, he fell asleep on the way over." Rusty smiled.

"Did you have fun with Rusty?" She asked looking back at Ryder as she set him on her hip.

"Uh huh, I wear PJ's all day" He smiled.

"I see that" She laughed. "Can you say hi to Andrea?"

He leaned over looking at Andrea who smiled. "Hi aunt Andi"

"You got so big" Andrea smiled.

Sharon kissed his cheek making his scrunch his nose pushing away from her.

Andy walked out of Interigation smiling when he saw Ryder.

"Hey bub" He said as Ryder was set free from Sharon's arms.

"Daddy" He giggled as Andy picked him up tossing him in the air.

"Andy" Sharon breathed.

Rusty and Andrea both laughed.

"Oh he's fine, you like it right?" Andy asked Ryder who laughed.

"That's not why I'm worried."

"Well this was fun, I'm gonna leave. Busy day tomorrow and Gus get's off early tonight so we are going to dinner. I'll see you tomorrow." Rusty said giving Sharon a hug before slipping back down the hall. Sharon turned back looking at Andy and Ryder as they sat at Andy's desk.

"Sometimes I can't believe he's really mine. That I actually had him." Sharon sighed as Ryder looked up at Andy in amazement.

"What makes you remember it's all real?" Andrea asked looking at Sharon.

"Hearing him call me mamma. Makes everything better and every day worth it. Even when Rusty calls me mom it makes my heart happy." Sharon said beaming.

"Makes you want your older babies to be young again. My babies are all grown up and moved out."

"Well any time you want a three year old in your house feel free." Sharon laughed.

"I'm happy to take him off your hands." Andrea laughed. "I need to go, tonight is date night. I'll see you tomorrow." Andrea smiled saying goodnight to Andy and Ryder.

Sharon moved to Andy's desk leaning against it as she looked at the boys before her.

"So, how do my boys like the idea of going home?" Sharon asked.

Andy looked at Ryder who nodded.

"Sounds good" Andy laughed standing up as Ryder jumped down.

They followed Ryder to the elevators as he tried to reach the tall buttons. Andy reached down lifting him up to touch the down button making Sharon smile. The doors opened and they got on Sharon pressing the L. Ryder watched the numbers as Sharon leaned into Andy her head rested on his shoulder.

Andy leaned his head towards her kissing the top of her head as the rode down watching their son and his wonder.

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