Chapter 4

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Sharon smiled listening to the speeches of their children that they had all written. Rusty was the last to go and he stood up smiling.

"Sharon, my mom, adopted me a few years ago but I knew Andy when I first got in with Major crimes. Getting to be around them every day and then see them as a couple was, interesting, I wasn't not a fan of Andy but knowing they were together made in strange when I saw them working together. But then when Sharon, my mom, told me that I would be getting a new family member I saw the kind of person Andy was and how great he actually is. I didn't have a father growing up so then to have Andy walk in and care about what happened to me meant more than I think Andy even realized. I am so happy I am standing here today with you all as we celebrate because I can't think of a better person to call my dad." Rusty smiled looking at Sharon and Andy. "Cheers" He said finally as everyone raised their glass.

"I can't think of a better son" Andy whispered as Rusty sat down, Rusty smiled.

Everyone settled into comfortable conversation as they ate dinner in the small outdoor venue Andy had found. Sharon laid her hand on Andy's thigh glancing at him, he smiled laying his hand atop of hers squeezing it softly. Music started to play and Andy stood up, Sharon looking up at him. Reaching out his hand to her she took it slowly and stood up.

"May I have this dance?" He asked, she smiled nodding.

"You may" She laughed following him to the small dance floor.

Slipping his hand around her waist, the other took her hand.

"You look stunning tonight" He said making her smile.

"You don't look to bad yourself." She replied playing with his tie.

"How's the little guy?" He asked.

"Enjoying that mommy and daddy got married today." She smirked.

"I was thinking about the baby and our honeymoon"

"I don't need a honeymoon, I thought we talked about that." Sharon replied.

"I know we did but I thought we at least deserved a night to ourselves."


"Tonight I got us a night at a hotel in the Presidential suite, I wanted to do something for you." Sharon smiled putting her arms around his neck kissing him softly.

"You didn't have to do that but thank you."

"If their is one thing you should know as the love of my life and my wife you have to be prepared to get treated to a night every now and then." Sharon laughed.

"Well one night was all I needed." Sharon said looking down at her stomach, Andy chuckled.

When they finished Sharon moved to a quiet little spot where she could sit and watch her friends and family dance. Letting out a sigh of content she looked up at the night sky and the stars before feeling someone sit down next to her. She looked over seeing Rusty smiling at her.

"You having fun?" She asked.

"Yeah, Provenza has some good dance moves" Rusty chuckled.

"Why does that scare me?" Sharon chuckled.

"It's pretty great"

"Rusty, I don't say this often, at least not lately. But you have been a huge help with helping to pull this together and just all this." Sharon said looking around then back at Rusty.

"You've done a lot for me, even if I didn't like you at first." Rusty smirked.

"You were such a handful" Sharon winked.

"Sorry about that." Rusty frowned.

"I wouldn't have it any other way.... Mmmm" Sharon winced sitting up, she grasped her stomach.

"Are you okay?" Rusty asked "Do I need to get Andy?" He sounded worried and Sharon took his hand.

"I'm fine, just a little pain, nothing to worry about." Sharon said calmly.

"You sure?" He asked.

"Positive, but thank you" Sharon replied. "Go have fun" She said pushing him up.

He sighed and walked away while Sharon fought the feeling that something was wrong. She was glad she had so many people that cared but it wasn't like her to bother people with her problems. She had both of her children without ever having Jack there. But now she had Andy and she had to get use to this.

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