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Disclaimer: The idea came from Dangan Ronpa. We own nothing but the characters... and the things you didn't see in the anime or the game we wrote here. 

Author's notes: This is a story by the collaborated minds of LovelyLavenderAngel and Ericka17 :)) Oh, and just remember, any resemblance of this story and any elements it contain to any fictional story or real life is purely coincidental.

     -   TWO UPDATES IN ONE DAY?! Yey! Anyways, I only did this cause my first draft was too long so I decided to cut it in half so here ya go :P :) Angel25th, Hope you like this long story

Warnings: The principal says a lot of "Ba****ds". Believe me, that's how he really refers to the students... Sorry' bout that...

~ Enough of this. Sit back and Enjoy the Ride!


Chapter 2: First day of Despair

     A young woman stands in front of the huge gates of a massive school that stood conspicuously tall over its surrounding buildings, the building of Hope's Peak Private Academy. In one of her hands is the acceptance letter she got. Hanging from the opposite side of her hand's arm is her bag which contains clothes she thinks she might need. Never has it crossed her mind to put actual school items inside her bag.

     "Nah that I don't need" She thought. "They probably anticipated this kind of thing to happen. I mean, they did mention about not bringing school stuffs."

     She looked and scanned the letter on her hands once again. Maybe it did say in the letter about bringing essential school items. If it did, well, what can she do? She's already away from her 3-hour trip home. She sighed as she read the letter once again.

“Greetings and Congratulations for getting accepted in Hope’s Peak Private Academy,

     You, ALLONA BEATRIX, have been chosen to join the elite group of students to ever grace the halls of this glorious academy. Your talents as a FASHIONISTA have given you a free ticket to be accepted. Isn’t that great? Here on this Academy, we aim to cultivate your Super High School talents so when you graduate, you’ll be able to raise the hope of the country’s future. Remember to come to school around 7:00 a.m. in the school uniform provided for you. You don’t need to bring any materials but you do need to bring your own clothes since you’ll be staying inside one of our dorms. You have been given a pamphlet and a video to help you with your process of enrollment.

We hope to see you tomorrow!

Hope’s Peak Private Academy

     Aha! She was right! It clearly states that not need to bring any materials. With nothing left to worry about, why not enter the school already? Allona took one step forward to enter the school. The moment she entered, however, her vision blurred then blackened. 

     The next hour was a blur to her…

One Hour Later…

     “uuuggghhhh…” Allona groggily sat up. “A classroom? How…?” Confused, she looked around her surroundings. While scanning her surroundings, she came across a camera and steel plates that ominously locked the windows. Allona stood up and walked closer to the locked windows… or at least, that’s what she thought they were. Upon closer inspection, the steel plates were bolted shut. She ignores the idea of trying to unbolt them, “That’s just impossible!” instead she turns around and a brochure catches her eyes. She walks over it and started to read it. Inside the brochure was a letter with a doodle of the school and a message was messily scribbled in crayon.

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