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Author's Notes: Zero Escape's end is near! But, don't fret, We will make a sequel! :3 So, here's Chapter 14! Feel free to give me critics, but, I don't want bad critics like, "The chapter is so short.", "The chapter is so boring.", blah blah blah. Correct me If the grammar is wrong or off. Sit back and just enjoy the ride, Okay? ;)

Chapter 14: Revelations

It was near 11:00 p.m. when Ella decided to return to her room again. Because of after what happened earlier, she decided to cool her head off by eating food at the cafeteria.

She, Fernando, and Xander, agreed to investigate further tomorrow. 'Uwah~!! The events are happening so fast!'  She thought to herself with exhaustion, due to the events that took place just earlier.

She knew that she shouldn't wander at this time, but she can't sleep on any rooms except hers. Also, it was on their rules.

She was just passing by the gym when she heard something. "Just keep your promise, you bear!" It was faint, almost a whisper, but Ella could still hear it. 

'Deja Vu.... Why does it feel like this happened?' She thought to herself. Her mind told her not to listen, but her guts told her to do it.

Because of her curiousity, she still listened, not knowing the danger that was waiting her. 

She inched closer to the door and pressed her right ear on it. 'W-wait! Isn't that the voice from earlier?' She asked herself, but stopped when she heard something again.

"Of course, you b*st*rd!, I'm a bear of my words." The voice seemed so familiar because of its high-pitched tone. 'Is-Isn't that Monobear?! Oh God! I'm eavesdropping!'

"Why are you here? I told you to rest." Monobear said, his voice etched with irritation and anger. But then, he giggled again. 

"I'm just reassuring. I had a sudden bad feeling about this, plus, I don't really trust you." The unknown man replied, his voice was filled with doubt and irritation.

"Ouch, Nero-kun! They wouldn't know that you are the mole, Nero-kun!" Ella gasped, but then covered her mouth. She wouldn't let them know that she was eavesdropping.

'That's why it's very familiar! It's Nero! B-b-but.. I don't believe it!' She thought, unable to believe what she just heard.

"Hmph!" Nero huffed, and walked slowly to the door of the gym to go to his room. Ella peeked at the gap of the door of the gym, and saw Nero walking closer. 

Ella ran hurriedly to her room, her heart beating fast because of what she saw and what she heard earlier. 

When she was at her room, she lay down on her bed immediately. Her mind was swarming with different thoughts.

'Is that really true? What I heard and saw earlier? Or, Am I just hallucinating?' She asked and asked herself, but she can't seem to find answers.

'So many questions, no answers..'  She could feel a headache forming on her head.

Ella massaged it by rubbing her temples. 'I'm so stressed! A warm shower is needed!' She stretched her body, and went to her bathroom.

After what seemed like forever, she was finally done. She took a paper, a ballpen, and a small envelope from her drawer, sat down on her bed, and began writing.

What she was writing was for her little sister. Even though she knew her little sister wouldn't receive it, nor read it. 

There was still a little (just a little) hope though. After writing, she opened her cabinet filled with many small evelopes. Then, she placed the envelope (with the letter she wrote inside) to the cabinet.

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