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Disclaimer: We own nothing, Except the characters. Any resemblance is purely coincidental. Upupu~! 

\(~.^)/ On with the storryyyyyyy..... :3 

Chapter 8: An Indoor Vacation

The students were called to gather at the gym by Monobear again. "You bastards should know that another world opened." Monobear was standing on his usual spot again, the podium on the top of the stage.

"We know that." The one who spoke was Nero. That was unusual because he speaks rarely. "And why is that?" Monobear raised his left imaginative eyebrow, testing him. "Because after a class trial, another floor will be open." Nero sighed and then smirked. "You're a smart bastard..Upupu~!" Monobear dance and dance and stop. "But, I don't know If you'll survive." At this Monobear showed his sharp claws. After Yi's execution, the students were not feeling well. Of course, they will not feel well, after they saw a gruesome and a brutal execution. Monobear knew that, so he prepared a place that will relax them. 

"I know that you bastards were tired, so I prepared a relaxation place. Now, go to the new floor and find it out." A popped was heard and then Monobear was gone, leaving them all by themselves. The students just obeyed and went upstairs. Louie and Virgil opened a big door at the center of the hallway. What they saw shocked them. 

"It's an indoor b-b-beach~!!" Ella squealed because of excitement. The other females squealed too while the males have a smile plastered on their faces. The indoor beach was like a real beach. It was a complete set of white sand and clear water. It also have cottages, grills and cooking materials. "Hey Guys! There's a female and male lockers and a two changing rooms !" Allona announced. At the left side was the girls' lockers and their changing room while on the right side was the boys' lockers and changing rooms. There were four doors left unopened.

Using their own E-Handbooks, the girls and the boys entered their respective lockers room and they took their own clothes. After that, one by one, they went to the changing rooms and changed their school uniform attires to bathing suits or trunks. The first girl to left the changing room was Wachirashi. She was wearing a two piece that showed her sexy body. Because of constant dancing and work-out, she got a sexy body. The bathing suit was black in color and it have flower petals in pattern. 

Raiuzu was the first boy to exit the changing room and he have a stripe trunks that showed his 6 pack abs. He was followed by Xander who have a red trunks that also showed his 6 pack abs. He was an athlete for god's sake! When Rauizu saw Wachirashi, he can't help but blush a little. The second one to exit the girls' changing room was Aleysha. She was wearing a red one piece without a pattern. After that, the other students exited their changing rooms.

Allona was wearing a plain white one piece while Ella was wearing a plain blue one piece. Virgil was wearing a scarlet trunks while Louie was wearing a red-orange trunks. When Virgil and Louie looked at Paris, they can't contain the blushed that crept their cheeks. Paris was wearing a two piece. At the top, it was color white, while at the bottom, it was black. Her bathing suit have a polka-dots pattern that showed her super sexy body. She almost look like a panda because of the color.

Norman and Fernando both have yellow trunks while Nero,Eiji and Jake's trunks were maroon. "How 'bout we play a game?" Allona wriggled her eyebrows. "Aha! How about, we find a partner, but our partner should be a boy if you're a girl?" Aleysha suggested. "Then, what's the game?" Paris questioned Aleysha. "Here's the game." Aleysha crouched down and drew something. Then, she explained. "The girls will sit at the boys' shoulders and then the boys will lift up the girls and the girls will fight each other. If the boy will fall, they are both out of the game." Aleysha finished. "What's the prize?" Wachirashi asked. "Ummm..." Aleysha thought, then a lightbulb appeared on her side.

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