Extra Chapter #2

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Author's Notes: Hello there reader! Sorry if this chapter is very short and boring, but this chapter contain things you should keep in your minds because it is important. Again, sorry because I updated slow. I procrastinated!  (TTATT) Expect the future chapters to be very short or long. I tend to procrastinate, because, sometimes, I'm very lazy.. (^3^) (>.<) 

Btw, On with the storyyyyyyyy!!! \(^-^)/

Extra Chapter: A Certain Hairdresser's Story

Do you know who was Ella Smith?  Of course you do! She was just the girl who' was an expert in the field of hairdressing. Let me describe Ella to you. She have a short black hair, bright blue eyes, with a white ribbon tied to her head that served as a headband. Ella was an easy-going type of person. She was a cheerful and a happy person too.  She also have a friendly aura that surronded her.

Rumors said that Ella don't have any family or relatives, and that she was orphaned by her parents. But, that was all a lie. Because that was just a rumor, and a rumor is a gossip, right?

When Ella was in elementary, she was always seen hanging out with boys. The others thought that Ella don't want to befriend any girl, and that she hold grudges to them. Ella cleared to her classmates all the lies that had been told to them. Truth to be told, she don't hold any grudges to any girl, and the main reason was that, whenever she would be or whenever she would see a girl, It would remined her of her deceased mother. 

Let me ask you ask a question. Did you ever heard about the Baskerville family? Or did you came across it on a newspaper or on the tv? They were just the richest, the wealthiest and one of the respected family in the world, behind the Skye family. However, The Baskerville family only consisted of 3 person in it. Or so they thought. 

Ella Smith wasn't Ella's true and real name. It was just her pseudonym. Her true and real name was Elliot Baskerville. Yes people, she was a Baskerville. But, she wasn't a pureblooded Baskerville. Because, Ella was a daughter of a mistress. Not just a normal mistress, but Glen Baskerville's mistress!  If people would hear that Glen Baskerville had a relationship to a woman other than his wife, and that he beared a child, the other people would surely despise them. It would taint their family name and pride. Because, to such a wealthy and respected family, scandal is a fate worse than death. It would also scar the family's future. So, Glen kept Ella to the mansion.

Back at the Baskerville mansion, Lotti Baskerville (Glen Baskerville's wife, and now, Ella's step-mother. Her real mother died when she was giving birth to Ella, and Ella blamed herself because of it.) -- accepted her immediately, even though Lotti knew that Ella was her husband's child with another woman. Lotti was a kind, caring and a compassionate woman who loved her daugthers and husband immensely. When Ella moved into the mansion, she was always kept there, because Glen was afraid that if she will go out, someone may saw her, and they may start rumors again. 

This caused Ella to play her little sister's long, black and silk-like hair when she was bored. Because of this, she became expert in hairdressing, thanks to her little sister's hair. They were a happy family back then, always laughing, always smiling, but, the tides took their turn when their family's private plane crashed. It became a big issue. There were always reporters at their mansion's gate. Those people like to stick to other's business. Fortunately, Ella's mother and father survived and was safe, while her little sister was severely injured. Her little sister's left eye was missing. It did not just affect her little sister physically, but also mentally, emotionally, and socially. 

Baskervilles were not just famous for their wealth, but, they were also famous for their scarlet eyes. The Baskervilles were the sole family that have scarlet eyes in the whole world. Some people found this very amusing, while other people found this disgusting. Rumors said that when you'll look at their red eyes, It was like they were hypnotizing you, or they will see through your very soul. After a month of the plane crashed, Ella's little sister was saved, but, she was heterochromatic now. Her little sister's left eye was bright blue in color, while her right eye was red. Ella was reliefed that her little sister was save, but she didn't know where her left eye came from. It went missing, and people these days don't have time to donate an eye. (Who would want to donate an eye?) 

When she was in highschool, she have her own tutor, because, her father don't really want to let her out of the Baskerville mansion. That was also the time that she realized that she wanted to become the most famous hairdresser in the whole world's history. Ella also realized that she will not just sit there and do nothing. Without a second thought, she convinced her dear father Glen to let her to achieve her dreams. Glen was then convinced, because, Ella don't have any features of a Baskerville, so no one will suspect her being a Baskerville. But on one condition, she must change her name, that was why she was Ella Smith. 

The Baskerville family was back to being a happy family again. There were smiles and laughters in the mansion again. It was like a storm before a rainbow. But, Ella sensed that something was wrong, and it was like there was a missing piece in a jigsaw puzzle. Ah! She knew it! It was her little sister. Her little sister begun to lock herself on her room. She smiled less, talked less, ate less and she won't go out even in their garden. (A/N: Her little sister loved flowers) 

Ella knew the very sole reason of it. Glen and Lotti Baskerville were so busy in their own businesses that they don't have enough time to have a bonding time, making her little sister a lonely person. So, she took the matters in her hand, and gave her attention to her little sister. But, that wasn't enough. Her little sister became a hikikomori. (A/N: Hikikomori-  people who refuse to leave their house and, thus, isolate themselves from society in their homes for a period exceeding six months.)

Soon, she graduated from college, and she have to leave he family to study abroad. Before Ella left to study abroad, Her step-mother, Lotti, gave her a gold necklace with the Baskerville's family crest. The Baskerville's family crest was a capital letter B that was cursived and it was encircled by a gold dragon, with a small heart-shaped ruby gemstone in the middle. Ella worn the necklace, but, she hid it behind her clothes. When she said her goodbyes to her family, Ella did not failed to see the lonely look that was on her little sister's eye. Ella knew that her parents would take good care of her little sister, and she trusted them. 

Tsk..Tsk..Tsk.. How wrong she was.


Upupu~! I hoped you enjoyed! (^_^) Btw, There's something or someone very important in this chapter (^3^) So, you should remember him/her (>.<) That's all I have to say! Have a good day/good night! (~.^) 

Stay tuned and Stay loyal to us, 'kay?

~Ericka17 and LovelyLavenderAngel~

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