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Disclaimer: The idea came from Dangan Ronpa. We own nothing, except the characters and the phrases you'll read. (>3<)

Author's Notes: Sorry! yada.. yada.. Be patient! Because I'm a slow person! Nyahaha~!! By the way, a big big thank you to those people who stayed with us and our story. Please, don't be a silent reader, and let us hear your comments and suggestions. If you want us to be a good author, comment down the suggestions. You know what? I love reading nice comments. If there's nice comments, it means faster update! (-_-) *sigh* ...

Enough of that crappy drama! (>.<) Let's start the lovely show, shall we? ;)

Chapter 16: Always Alone

After that 'perfect' performance task, Paris went to the cafeteria to ponder her thoughts. She took a first aid kit and treated her scratches, which she got from her cat fight with Aleysha.

But, being a fierce girl, she fought back. She broke Aleysha's eyeglasses and gave her a few scratch on her left arm. 

However, after she did that to Aleysha, she felt a pang of guilt. 'Che! She deserves it!'  Being a stubborn girl she was, she just brushed it off, as if she don't care.

'I don't know why I always have a fight with Nam... but.. there is this gnawing feeling that we've already known each other.'  

Paris shook her head because of that thought. She took a cup and made a hot chocolate. Sitting on a chair, she took a sip from her hot chocolate.

'But, that's so impossible!  We have just met!'  Finishing her hot chocolate, she placed it in the sink and washed it. 

Back in her home, rather, mansion, their maids were the ones to wash the dishes, but, here in Hope's Peak Private Academy, she was the one doing it.

Paris don't have the right to complain though, they don't have any maids here. Out of the blue, a sudden thought struck her.

'I really really miss him...'  Paris' face turned into a solemn look. She fought back tears that was ready to drop on her cheek in any minute.

Paris really did missed Virgil. From the first time she saw him, she knew they will be really good friends. Maybe, more than friends? 

'Be strong, and don't fall in despair..'  -- was what Louie said to her before he was executed, right in front of their very eyes. (A/N: This is what Louie said to Paris at Chapter 10) 

Was there a hidden meaning behind those words? Was he implying something? If Virgil was still alive, Paris knew Virgil will do something.

She was sure he will comfort her. He will pat her in the head and he will say some comforting words with his calm and soothing voice.

'Opposites do attract, right?'  After washing the cup, Paris placed it where she took it. Virgil was a kind man, and him being friendly with her was still a mystery to Paris.

'I-I mean Virgil was kind, and I'm a spoiled and bratty girl... How can he be friendly with me?'  There was this saying 'Opposites attract'. Maybe, that was the reason?

Something flashed into Paris' mind. It was an image of Virgil laying on the floor, his body covered with his own blood... cold and dead. 

'My questions won't be answered anymore.... b-b-because.. he's already dead!'  A lone tear escaped Paris' right eye, and fell on her cheeks. 

This time, she let the tears to flow, not caring if anyone would come and see her. 'At least... let me mourn for him.'  

This was the first time she can properly mourn for Virgil's death. All these days, she would always act tough and stubborn, as if she don't care that Virgil was dead.

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