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They walk out of his apartment with bags in each of their hands. They must be going on vacation. He gets in opens the trunk to his car they both put their things inside. I quickly pull out my camera, and start taking photos of them.

I see him pull her close and kiss her, making my blood boil. That son of bitch stole what's mine. I take a drag of my cigarette and let out a puff. Hmmph I'll get my revenge on him soon enough. The car door slams, snapping me from my thoughts. They drive off and and I start to drive behind them.

As I'm driving, my mind goes back to that day in the club. She was in the bathroom so it was the perfect time to execute my plan. When the guys weren't looking, I slipped the roofie in her beer. When she walked back I couldn't believe my eyes. She looked so sexy. Her eyes almost look hazel, I can't wait for her to finally be mine.

I handed her the bottle as she thanked Aiden and Dimitri, then she drank her bottle and set it down. I order her another beer and handed to her. "Thanks Paul." She said.

"No problem." I answered back smirking at her.

"Hey asshole! Watch where you're going?!" Shouted some douchebag snapping me from my auflashback. I ignore him, and notice them getting out of the car.

Quickly, I grab a baseball cap and glasses and put them on, getting out of the car and follow them inside LAX. I see him holding her hand, and I'm suppressing my urge to knock him out. He doesn't deserve to be with her. She deserves someone who will look after her, not somebody who will leave her every few months. He's gonna end up getting bored with her.

I pull out my camera and zoom in on the two of them. That son of a bitch makes me sick. I take off my cap and run my fingers through my hair.

Who the fuck does he think he is? Suddenly I hear the intercom and I see him picking up his bags and walking towards the terminal and walks away from here. I get away from where I was hiding to comfort her but then I see him comeback and give her something and she gives something back. They talk for a little bit then he leaves.

"Flight 747 to Chicago Now Boarding." I hear the intercom say, and I see her pick up her bags and walks towards the terminal. Where the fuck does she think she's going? She walks towards the male flight attendant who's just staring at her a little too much. She gives him her ticket and boards the plane as he starts staring at her ass. I ought beat the shit out of that motherfucker for staring at her like that.

I take off to the lady over at the ticket counter. "One way ticket for Chicago please?" I asked the her.

"Sure, there's one that's boarding now, would you like that one or the next flight coming in three hours?" She said said sweetly. A little too sweetly for my taste. "The one boarding now." I said as I started tapping my fingers on the counter. Can this lady be any slower?

"Okay and can you give me your name sir?"

"My name? My name is Paul Jackson."

All This Time (A OneRepublic/Ryan Tedder Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now