Chapter 12- Confrontation

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I turned around and there stood a man about Brent's height in front of me. He had shaggy black hair and icy blue eyes, staring daggers at me.

"Paul is it? I don't know what your problem is, but she's with me."

He walks closer to me and I automatically start balling my fists.

"Whoa easy there tiger." He said smirking at me.

"I'm just here to take what's rightfully mine."

"Is that so?" I said raising an eyebrow at him.

"Yeah. Everything was fine until you fucking ruined it! You fucking ruined my chance o-"

"Of what? Drugging her and trying to rape her?!" I shouted as I got in his face.

His vein pops out from his forehead, getting visibly angry.

"No it wasn't like that!" He shouts.

"Really? Then how was it hmm? From what I remember, SHE SAID NO YOU SICK BASTARD! And yet you still tried to stick your tongue down your throat you sick bast-"

Out of nowhere, his fist connects with my jaw. I felt the metallic taste of blood.

"Truth hurts doesn't it?" I said as I got in my fighting stance. He tries to hit me again, but I tackle him to the floor and punch in him the face, breaking his nose.

He slips through me and we start brawling. I slammed him against the wall and and continued punching him in the face. Next thing I know, a bouncer picked the both of us up from the shirt collar. I realized it was one of the Denver cops, Nate.

"What the fuck is going on?" He snarled.

"Nate, put the boss down!" I heard Bobby shout from the other side of the corridor.

"Sorry boss, you alright? This guy giving you any trouble!" Said Nate as he put me down.

"Yeah, I'm fine. That son of a bitch has been stalking my girlfriend and I for the past few weeks so either you fucking arrest him or I'll kill him myself." I said as lunged myself at Paul but Bobby pulls me back.

"Easy boss calm down." Said Bobby.

"Ryan? Where are you?" I hear Kim shout. Shit and I'm still bleeding. That son of a bitch got a clean hit on me. I see Nate pull out some handcuffs from his back pocket and puts them on Paul's wrists. Serves him right. He pushes Paul out of the restaurant.


I turned around and I see her rush towards me smiling at me but as she gets closer, her smile drops.

"Honey you're bleeding." She said. I wiped the blood from my bottom lip with the back of my hand.

"Yeah, I guess so." I said smirking at her.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine, just wasn't paying attention, that's all." I said trying to make myself convincing to her.

"Hey, I'm really tired we should get home." I said as I took her by the hand.

"I'll see you later Bobby." I said as I pulled him into a hug.

"Great seeing you kiddo."

"It was nice meeting you Bobby." Said Kim as she shook his hand.

"Ryan, what actually happened?" Said Kim as we drove back to my house.

"Nothing, I can just be clumsy." I lied.

I felt the side of my head start to get hot. As I stopped at the red light, I turn back at her. She had her arms crossed, her lips set in grim line. She's definitely not buying it.

"I don't believe you Ryan. Did you get in a fight?" She's asked, her eyes pleading me to tell her the truth.

I sighed. "Yes, I got into a fight, but it wasn't my fault."

"So what happened?"

"Some idiot drunk of his ass was looking for a fight and I guess he found me as I was going to the bathroom." I lied again. I hate lying to her but I don't want her to be worrying all the time.

She studies my face. "Are you okay?" She asked as I let out a sigh of relief.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I smiled shyly at her.

We get to my place and walked inside.

I walked into the kitchen and pulled out an ice pack from the freezer and placed it on the corner of my lip. Hmmph, he got a clean shot at me. I walked out and see Kim standing by the doorway.

I smiled at her and she smiles back.

"We should go to bed. I'm really tired." I said as I walked closer to her. I put her hand between mine and walked up stairs into my bedroom. We got dressed in our pajamas and laid down on my bed. I pulled her close, her back to my chest. "Te amo." I heard her say to me in Spanish. I kissed her on the cheek.

"I love you too." I said. Zach seriously needs to teach me more Spanish I think to myself. My eyelids start to get heavy and I fall asleep.

It's been three days since Paul got arrested and I couldn't be happier.

"Ryan are you nervous?" Said Kimberly snapping me from my thoughts.

"Me? No way! I'm never nervous." I said as we made our way to Greenwich Village. We did our mini concert in Central Park which was incredible. Fans were singing along to every song the guys and I played. I absolutely love New York City, I can't wait to come back here in August. Anyways, Kim and I got out from the cab and walked up to the apartment. I see a tear coming out of her from the corner of my eye.

Quickly, I pull her close and hug her.

"Kim, what's wrong?"

She wipes her tears with the back of her hand. "Nothing, it's just that I haven't been here to the place where I grew up in such a long time." She sniffed. I kissed her hair and she smiles at me.

"Are you ready?" She asked me as she rang the doorbell.

"Not really." I said apologetically. She smiled at me making sure everything is going to be okay.

The door swings open and I see a woman a few inches shorter than me with hazel/green eyes widening at her.

"Kimberly? Eres tu?" Said the woman, her hand reaching out for Kim's.

"Si mama soy yo." She answered.

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