#10 Darkest Night Before The Dawn

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It's been a year since Artemis and I took refuge in Hades' realm, and none of the gods nor goddess have found us. We created multiple attack plants, combining both the brutality of Norse and the wit of Greek. We had trained the armies that belonged to Hades into quick and intelligent killing machines. Artemis trained the fastest souls, even though they still freaked her out, to become first-class archers. Hades taught the souls of warriors and trained them into killing machines. Persephone was our link to the outside world, going up into the Mortal world form time to time to spy on both the gods and the mortals. She told us that they also were training for the fight, but not as much as we were. They obviously thought that they could easily defeat us.

I was in my corner of Hell, training with a sword with a soul of one of the best swordsman putting all my energy into victory. I stabbed the sword forward and he blocked it when his sword, then twirled it so it flew out of my hand. I quickly ran towards it then leaned down and grabbed it but then jumping out of the way when he brought the sword down on where I was. I swiped at their feet and he turned and brought the sword down on me, and I brought up the sword to block myself. I kicked them back harshly and jumped up on my feet  and slashing at their chest. I caught the shoulder and then I swished it  back hitting their other shoulder and finally I brought the sword up to slice the head. Suddenly I felt a bitter cold in my chest and I looked down to see a ghost sword in my chest

"Aw man" I hissed, but nevertheless brought the sword down and splitting the skull

The sword was pulled out by the soul and he stood tall, the skull stitching itself together "Remember, don't leave yourself vulnerable. And do not be afraid to play dirty, your life will be at stake"

I nodded my head in agreement. Of course I'd play dirty, my father is the God of Mischief. As the soul walked away I quietly created a throwing knife out of ice and threw it at him. It hit him in the head, which made him stop and slowly pull it out of it's skull.

He looked at the now melting knife and turned back to me "I thought you weren't able to throw that far with such accuracy. Be proud Eira, this is a worthy acomplishment"

I nodded as he walked away, and I turned away and jogged up dark stairs made out of the bones of the dead. They led me towards a hallway, and I walked down it towards a balcony where I watched Artemis  training some of the souls. They were praticing hand-to-hand combat, but by using their bow. It was a possibility that they would need to fight close up

"Observing the training?" I turned and saw Hades "What do you think?"

I turned back to watch them "I wouldn't want all my archers to become completely defenseless if a batallion decided to charge them head on, so this will be useful"

It then hit me. I turned back to Hades and said "Hades, how many chariots do you have?"

He twitched an eyebrow up while stumbling "Well, I ah, just mine. Why?"

"I have an idea" I smirked then stood up on the balcony and created a slide of ice, then slid down towards Artemis and placed a hand on her shoulder "Sorry to interrupt"


"Listen up!" I shouted "Raise your hand if you were a horseman in a past life!"

Several hands rose, about 1/3 of them

"Excellent" I smirked then turned to Artemis "When you're done with training, those with their hands raised will stay here instead of going to their next training, okay?"

"Understood" She nodded 

I smiled and nodded back before walking back to the balcony. Hades slipped through the floor and appeared before me "I take it you have a plan?"

"Get whatever souls that aren't doing anything to create chariots, and we need two horses for every one chariot" I started to run off and he cried "And where are you going?"

"Making a change to the plans!" I cried before going up to the main room where a model of the battlefield was

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2013 ⏰

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