#8 Who to Trust?

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Okay, in this one I know that Hades is the oldest from Poseidon and Zeus, but please bear with me, because Liam Neeson is 60 years old and I didn't even realize it until now, and I'm not going to put an even older guy into the mix :/ I feel really idiotic right now BUT BEAR WITH ME! Thank you


Eira/Sapphire's P.O.V

I felt myself floating in mid air, then cold granite pounding against my head. I moaned and said up opening my eyes. I looked up and saw Artemis and her annoyed yet worried look "Hurry, get dressed"

"Why?" I moaned rubbing my head, a stinging pain in the back "I think you cracked my skull"

"Nonsense" She said wit a wave of her hand "Now hurry! Zeus has an announcement to make" I moaned standing up and walking towards the white dress "But I'm not wearing the crown"

"Why not?" She asked

"It's stupid" I hissed "Now get out! I need to change"

Her eyes turned into slits and she sighed "They'll become suspicious if you don't" walking out. I rolled my eyes and changed, deciding to set the crown on. I know I want to get out as fast as I could, but I still had a mission, no matter how much they annoyed me. I grabbed the crown and sighed shoving it onto my head and walking out. Artemis was sitting out there, examining her dagger. I eyed it and said "I'm sorry I snapped at you, I'm just tired"

She set the dagger in the leather pouch and said "Just don't get short with the more powerful gods, like Zeus, Hera or Poseidon"

"What about Hades?" I asked

"SSH!" She said quickly covering my mouth, looking around terrified. I was about to lick her hand and she turned to me worried "Never, EVER say his name!" I nodded my head and she let go continuing and grabbed my arm walking through the empty halls "If you say his name, he'll come. Hades is terrifying, short tempered-"

"Why thank you, Artemis" Someone spat. We turned and saw a tall thin man with a harrowing aura. He wore a black robe that fell down to the floor, his long blueish fingers tipped with sharpened nails. I looked up to see a young but worn face that was surrounded by his hood, his black jagged hair falling over his bright green eyes contrasting with the pale blue skin. He turned slowly to me and a ghastly smile cracked onto his face "Ah" He breathed "You must be Eira"

"Her name is Sapphire" Artemis said, her chest sticking out with courage "What are you doing here Hades?"

"It is not the concern of you" His face snapped towards her, his entire personality changing to anger and hatred, storming passed and I could see that where he stepped there was a darkening to the stone. I bit my lip in curiosity and fear and turned to an annoyed Artemis. She turned to me and said "Never associate yourself with Hades. He is evil personified"

I nodded my head and followed behind her, fingering the ring and followed her to the Great Hall. All the Gods and Goddesses were there and they were staring at Hades with vexation. Artemis sat next to her twin Apollo and the only other seat was next to Hades. I just stood there awkwardly and then Zeus said "Sapphire, take a seat" I sighed and sat down next to him. I could see the annoyance seething from Artemis, and could feel the suspicious daggers being thrown from Hera's eyes

"Now, I have called you all together because of the recent break in of my Personal Office" He looked over all of us "Nothing was stolen or broken, but if you know anything about this incident, I want you to come to me in an instant"

There was a pause then Dionysus said "Anybody up for a drink?"

They all smiled and got up, and I turned to look to see who wasn't when I heard a whisper "You have questions, I have answers. Come to the courtyard at midnight"

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