#9 Kingdom of Death

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Artemis looked around the desolate Kingdom of Death, goosebumps breaking out all over her skin, a few people screaming

"Charming" I mumbled, not the slightest fazed. After everything that's happened, nothing really surprises me

"Hell sweet hell" Hades sighed, standing up a bit straighter, an then we heard a squeak of a voice "Hades? Is that you?" Suddenly a girl who looked about Artemis' age popped out of nowhere. Her flowing blonde curly hair waved down to her shoulders, her hazel eyes dimmed. I bet they sparkled at one point

"Oh, hello" Her eyes lit up at the sight of Artemis, but became confused when I stepped forward "And who are you?"

"Eira, daughter or Loki"

Her head tilted a bit like a puppy

"Norse God?"

She shrugged "I'm not familiar with him"

"Of course" I sighed and then notices how skinny she was. She looked like one of the skeletons in the river we just crossed

"I'm Persephone, daughter-"

"Of Demer" I finished and she looked at me even more confused  

"I've heard of you before" I explained

"Oh, okay" she nodded her head and smiled

"Seph, we're going to help Eira in the Final Battle"

"What?" I asked confused making him chuckle

"Eira, it's inevitable. One day, you, your father and your followers will battle against the Greek Gods and the Norse gods"

"Norse AND Greek? We're so gonna die" I scoffed

"Who said we're going to die?" Artemis asked setting her hands on her hips "We're going to win"

I sighed "I really like your enthusiasm Artemis, but, I doubt I have enough followers to attack them"

"Don't be so shallow" Hades smirked "There's also Loki's, I and Artemis'. You'll be fine"

"So it's just a matter of time?" Persephone asked trembling slightly. Hades nodded not looking at her, but walking towards a large circle made of decayed entrails that was flat at the top. An intestine table, yeech

"We should create a battle strategy" Hades said, then shouted something in Greek and many little army men appeared

"This is incredible" I whispered peering at the army. They stood at attention, almost as if they were alive

"Don't touch, they get twitchy" I backed off and Artemis stared at them in concentration "So, we're dealing with Mount Olympus and Asgard. Hades you and I know how Greeks fight but you're going to need to tell us how Norse fight" She looked at me and I nodded my head setting my hands on the edge and leaning against it thinking "The Norse are a race of warriors. I've read that they love fighting, so I'm assuming they don't take prisoners"



"Don't judge me the last time I was in Asgard I was a baby!" I snapped, Hades holding his hands up in defense

I sighed and said "As I was saying, they won't take any prisoners"

"Neither does the Greeks"

I sighed "Norse use brute strength, and Greeks are clever"

"Brains and brawn" Artemis sighed

Persephone walked over timidly and said "Why not use their weakness against them?"

"Persephone not now" Hades sighed crossing his arms

"No" I murmured then smiled "She's right" I laughed. The rest of them looked at me like I was crazy and I said "Don't you see?"


I sighed then walked over where the armies were and I explained "Use their weakness against them. The Greeks are the brains, so use the brawn and vice versa" I clapped my hands together "Excellent!"

"Yes but the Norse are utterly stupid...no offense"

"None taken" I shrugged "And if it doesn't work, then we can pit them against each other can't we?"

Artemis shook her head "Fighting against their own blood? I don't know"

"If they know her story" Hades started "They may pity her and see the enemy as monsters. And besides" he smirked "I have an undead army. We have enough soldiers"

"Can they be trained as well as a regular soldier?" Artemis asked

"Of course. they may be soul-less and brainless, but they can still follow orders"

I stared at the table and they continued with their battle stragety and then there was a pause. I looked up and saw then staring at me "What?"

"Are you okay we asked you a question?" Hades asked

"Uh, sorry, yeah, what?" I asked

Artemis looked at Hades worried, then back at me "We asked if Norse gods are immortal"

I sighed and shook my head "Maybe? I-I don't think so" There was a pause "What about Greeks?"

They both shook their heads and I nodded mine "Okay, so, you're risking yours, along with your followers, lives, all for me? I can't ask you to do that"

"But we want to" Artemis said setting a hand on my shoulder "Eira this is just the type of revolution Olympus has needed. For far too long Zeus has ruled with a short-sighted view on the world. If ad when we succeed, the Greek Parthenon will guide it's followers in a better way. And you have become a valuable friend to me, I do not wish to see you die. I want you to live in peace with the other Asgardians and to reunite with your father"

We both turned to Hades and he shrugged "I do agree with Artemis, my brothers have ruled in an idiotic fashion, distancing themselves from the other parthenons, declaring themselves the more civilized" He chuckled "I wish to visit my counterpart Pluto without almost being killed"

We both smiled and I turned back to Artemis "Now, what did I miss?"

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