#5 Smiles and Roses

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(Sapphire's P.O.V)

She looked at me with horror and i ran back upstairs, quickly locking the door and quickly changing into a white tank top, bootcut jeans, a long grey cardigan and my converse shoes. Grabbing the book I quickly climbed out the window, down the fire escape and ran like a bat out of hell. I ran and ran until my legs felt like they would turn to dust. The library was just down the road, I could see it. I took in a deep breath and muttered "Should've done track" I started jogging down the sidewalk, passing tourists and regulars until I finally reached it.

Stepping in I walked towards my corner I grabbed a book about Greek Gods/Goddesses then crawled as far as I could into the corner of the room. Opening up the first book I looked up who Freyja was. Okay, the Goddess of Love and Fertility...and Death and War. Apparently she had a twin brother called Freyr, and Freyja was called 'The Fair One' because of her beauty. There was a picture, and she really was pretty

Suddenly there was a lightning strike, then thunder and I saw what looked like a tornado coming down. I watched it wondering what was going on. There was another lightning strike, and a young woman with blonde wavy hair in a ponytail, red ruby lips, black flats, dark blue tights, a dark blue dress with a little rose print and a light blue jacket over. She looked up at me, then smiled. I ducked underneath the window, crawling over to the library shelf and leaning against it. Why did she smile at me? How did she know I was looking at her? WHO  WAS SHE?!

After I thought that I heard footsteps coming closer and closer, until a blonde head popped behind the book shelf. Her bright blue eyes twinkled with happiness and she came around and sat next to me

"Hey" Her jingle bell voice asked "What's up?"

"A-Are you Freyja?" I asked. Stupid that I just read about her, and the first girl that comes out of a tornado, I instantly think it's Freyja OF COURSE I'M NOT STUPID!

She nodded her head and looked at the book "Reading about me?"

"I-I heard th-that you saved me as a baby" I mumbled

"So you are Eria" She sighed "Good, I thought I messed up"

I gave her a funny look and asked "How come you talk like your from this time?"

"Because I've been down here before" She smiled "I've always liked L.A. and Paris" She smiled "So,  how are you doing?"

"Terrible" I murmured "Finding out that your so-called parents are Greek Gods isn't what I expected to wake up to"

She giggled then set a hand on my shoulder "Don't worry, Loki and I will make sure you won't get hurt"

"How?" I snapped, grabbing the Greek Gods book and opening it up "They have Zeus, Apollo, Hades, Ares, Heracles-"

"I don't think Heracles is a God"

"Demi-god" I replied "The point is, I don't see how a God of Mischief, a Demi-Goddess and a Goddess of Death and War could fight off these kinds of Gods. T-They seem so much powerful!"

Freyja patted my shoulder and said "Eira, when you were born I admit, I didn't think a half-blood would be able to make it in Asgard. But you *pokes me* have more strength than you realize. Your a tough kid who doesn't take crap from other people. We'll figure out a way to defeat them, don't worry"

I nodded my head and she said "Let's go get a hot dog. I've heard New York is the best at them" I smiled and grabbed my Norse book stood up and went to the nearest vendor. Apparently Freyja has a box with money from all around the world, so I didn't even have to buy! (I didn't bring money with me anyways) 

We spent the rest of the day together, me asking about what Asgard is like, and she was asking me what a Smart Phone was

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