fill (someone) with great delight; charm.we walked into jefferson high school
in silence. there was no reason for speaking, the voices of over 5000 high school students flooded the building like a title wave.
we walked to our lockers, which were four away from each other, and unloaded our stuff. "red." i heard a familiar voice say. i whipped my head around to see her. the pandemonium of the other students suddenly came to a stop. everything seemed to be in slow motion but her and i.
"hi ashley," i replied, closing my locker and turning to face her.
"i need it back." she said, almost angry. i took the pack of camels out of my back pocket, that i put in there this morning before leaving. she stretched out her arm towards me and opened her palm. i set them in her hand, and she yanked her arm back like a whip.
"goodbye red." she said and turned to leave.
"wait," i called to her, "call me hayden." she turned around and looked me in the eye.
"i like red. you havent caught on yet, have you?"
"caught on to what?"
"call me blue." she winked at me then disappeared within the crowd.
the moment her magnificent blue hair was out of sight, reality kicked in. i turned to face sage, who was staring at me in bewilderment. "what was that?" she asked me seriously.
"n-nothing." i replied quickly. she sighed. i sighed.
then the tears started welling up in her eyes. "h-how could you!?" she yelled at me then ran into the crowd.
fucking idiot. now youve lost your best friend i thought to myself. i pulled out my phone and checked the time. school started in 2 minutes.
see? fucking idiot. i booked it to world history, and made it 20 seconds before the bell rang.after world history is language arts. after language arts is biology. after that is lunch. then gym, then art history, then pre calc, then free period. go home during free period. skip lgbt+ club with luca. sage wont drive you home. she hates you. she probably already told luca and his boyfriend. i can guarantee she texted cameron already. good going dumbass, you lost all your friends i thought as mr. white went on about the soviet union. i needed a plan. lunch would be terrible. just sit with them, if they ask you to leave, do so. i thought. i was going to stick with that for now.
the lunch bell rang, and i bolted out of the classroom like my life depended on it. i HATED biology. i walked to my locker and put my stuff away. i felt eyes watching me. i turned to my right, seeing sage, whos eyes were ex fixed in me.
she noticed that i had noticed her immediately, and walked over to me.
"im sorry i freaked out on you earlier," she said, "its just weird to see my best friend anywhere near my ex best friend."
"its okay, im sorry i didnt tell you about us."
"oh, so theres an "'us'" now?" she laughed.
i slapped her arm playfully. "you know what i mean!"
"i know, but seriously, beware of her. she will seduce you with her mind games and her perfect face."
"i will be. thanks sage."
she grabbed my arm and we walked to the cafeteria.
while we are young / halsey
Fanfictionshe is hot cocoa on a winter day. she is mystery and sweet perfume. she is the fire in a blizzard, uncontrollable but contained. she is cigarette smoke and soft neck kisses. she is mine.