Chapter 6: Arriving

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Chapter 6

Katniss P.O.V.

It's Saturday. So today we have no classes. We haven't really decided what to do today.

"The guys wanted to do something with us today", Madge says.

"And you know that how?" I ask narrowing my eyes slyly.

Madge cheeks starts heating up.

"Madge...?" Annie says.

"Well", Madge says.

"Spit it out", Johanna says.

Madge face is tomato red by now. She mumbles something none of us can hear.

"Huh?" Delly asks.

"Gale told me", Madge says.

"And you were talking to him when?" I ask.

"Well he started to text me a few days ago and we've been texting a lot ever since", she says.

I continue to look at her with a sly expression. Since when does she like Gale? She's never liked him before..? Or has she?

We're in the coffee shop at the moment. And I'm irritated. I called Jeremy this morning and he didn't answer. He always answer. Always. So why didn't he this morning? And he hasn't called me back or anything. I guess I'm more worried than irritated.

"So were are they?" Johanna asks.

"Outside", Madge says. "Enjoying the sun, as Gale said, but are you okay with this? Katniss and Annie? Because if you're not I can just tell Gale that we want to spend time alone".

"No I'm okay", I say.

"Me too, I've come to realize that if Finnick chooses that slut over me, I deserve someone better", she says.

"Well said girl!" Delly says. "I'm so proud of you".

"Me too!" I say as I get my coffee. "You're still gonna get revenge though".

I was the last one so when everyone has gotten their coffee to go we walk out of the coffee shop and out on campus.

We walk around for a while before spotting the boys.

When we've almost arrived though, I hear someone shout my name.

"Hey Katniss!"

I know that voice. I turn around to see Jeremy and Jasmine come walking towards us. Jeremy with his light brown hair almost glowing and his blue eyes glistening. He's wearing a loose red top and a pair of black shorts. Jasmine with hair like fire and golden brown eyes. She's wearing a pair of red short shorts and a black crop top.

"JASMINE!" Clay screams and runs up to her, he sweeps her off her feet and she laughs, putting her mouth to his.

"Jeremy oh my god!" I shout and run up to him. Jeremy catches me an carries me up. I lock my legs around his waist, hugging him. "Oh god you're really here! You're here! You are are, aren't you?" I pinch his cheek.

Dear diary: The end of the beginning (Book 2)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang