Chapter 1: Back

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Chapter 1

Katniss P.O.V.

"Promise you'll come visit!" I say and lock my arms around my friends neck.

Jeremy wraps his arms around my torso and pulls me towards him, pressing me against his hard muscles.

"I promise, I've promised like ten times already you know", he chuckles.

"I know I know", I say. "I just don't want you to forget about me".

Jeremy laughs. I look at him and smile. He's so cute. He has two dimples and a lot of freckles, only not too much. He's not a ginger though, his hair is light brown, and his eyes are blue. He's mom and sister are gingers, but he got his father's looks obviously, though he got some of his moms freckles, he's sisters face is bombed with freckles.

"How could I forget about Katniss Everdeen?" He asks. "It's like completely impossible if you ask me, besides, might I remind you about the fact that my sister is your cousins girlfriend?"

"Ah right", I say remembering how depressed Clay has been these past few days. "You do know that Jasmine is insisting on moving to America soon right?"

"Oh I know alright it has caused endless of fights in our house", Jeremy says. "Mom and dad don't want her to go but she really wants to, frankly, I think that it could be good for her, you know see that there is more to the world than England and Europe, and maybe I'll move with her".

Jeremy is two years older than the rest of us. Jasmine is the same age as Clay and I. When we first moved here to England, I met Jeremy and we started going out. But it didn't work out because of a lot of reasons and finally we decided to be just friends, now we're like best friends. It's fun, I'd never had a guy best friend before Jeremy, because Clay doesn't count, he's my cousin.

"Ah look who's coming here", Jeremy says with a smile and I look to see my one year old little brother come wobbling inside the kitchen. He can walk but not good, he's really proud though.

"Hey little man", I say and pick up Zachariah in my arms. He starts to resist and hold out his arms towards Jeremy. I sigh and pass Zach to Jeremy who starts laughing. "I really do wonder what's gonna happen when Zach realizes that you're not going to see him everyday".

"Yeah, I guess that's the most sad part though, he'll forget me for sure in a couple of weeks", Jeremy says with a frown.

I frown as well. Yeah I have thought of that, and the thought makes me sad. Jeremy has been like a big brother to Zach.

"That's why you need to come visit often and maybe move there with Jasmine", I say.

"Yeah I mean, no way we can keep Jasmine and Clay from each other for too long", Jeremy says.

"Katniss! Jeremy! Come on we have leave", my dad shouts from, what I think, is the hallway.

I sigh and look around in the kitchen. Why we're here I don't really know, there is nothing left but the counters anyways.

"Come on Jer", I say and take his hand, pulling him with me.

We walk to my dad who's waiting by the door. He's smiling at us when we walk past him. Outside the car engine is on and all four doors are open, and the trunk door is open. Prim is sitting in the back seat, her feet on the ground.

Dear diary: The end of the beginning (Book 2)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora