Chapter 11: Poor Finnick

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Chapter 11

Katniss P.O.V.

Annie really loves Finnick. She's afraid to tell him since he has a girlfriend.

I have to help her. When I was new in high school she took me under her wing and now we're best friend. I owe her. She wouldn't see it that way but I do. Okay I do. I owe her, her happiness, I have to make sure she's happy. She's my bestest friend in the whole world, she has to be happy or else I'm not happy. Just as with Clay, if he's not happy I'm not happy.

The girls are waiting for me. I took a longer shower than I should've so now I'm the only one not dressed. Annie helped me pick out an outfit for today though, she chose a pair of black high waisted shorts and a red blouse.

"Annie you have the best taste in clothes", I say as I walk out of the bathroom in nothing but underwear and a towel on my head.

"Thank you", Annie says a bows.

I laugh and the door suddenly opens, Clay and Jeremy walks in.

"Hello girls", Clay says and walks up to Jass. She came here early today. I wish there was a way for her to move in here with us. But it's really tight as it is in here.

"Don't you ever knock?" Delly asks. "Katniss is almost naked".

"So what? I'm her cousin and we used to take baths together until we were ten and we've shared a bed on every sleepover we've had", Clay says. "And Jeremy is gay, plus he's seen her naked when they dated so neither one of us cares".

I realise that I'm not even ashamed in front of Clay and Jeremy even though I'm only in my bra and panties.

"Yeah all I have to do is close my eyes, and I can see Katniss naked body", Jeremy says. He closes his eyes. "Oh there she is!"

"Stop it!" I laugh and hit Jeremy's arm. He laughs and I get dressed. "Sometimes you're a real jerk, you know that?"

"Why? As your ex boyfriend it's my privilege to be able to always see you naked", Jeremy says.

"You're gay", I state and button my shorts, and straighten my blouse. "Or why did we break up?"

"I'm gay", Jeremy says. "Still you have an amazing body and it's great to be able to relive it whenever I want".

I blush and feel the urge to slap him, but I remind myself that he's just teasing me and of how much I love my stupid gay friend.

"Who's got an amazing body?" The voice of Finnick says behind Jeremy.

"Me", Clay says proudly.

"I second that", Jasmine says.

"That's what I wanted to know", Jeremy says.

"Serves you right for talking like that about Katniss", Annie laughs.

"So Katniss is the one with the amazing body?" Finnick asks.

"Maybe", Jeremy says.

I sneak a look at Peeta carefully, and to me it looks like he is blushing slightly. Why would he do that?

"I could imagine Thresh looking real good underneath his clothes as well", Johanna says looking at the big boy.

Thresh winks at her and she smiles at him with a kind of challenge on her lips. If any boy could handle Johanna it's Thresh. He's making her weak to her knees just by looking at her. I never thought that could happen to Johanna.

"You know what I can't stop thinking and wonder about?" I suddenly say. What I'm about to say next might earn me an axe in my head from Johanna. She and Thresh aren't officially together but they couldn't even fool a blind guy even if they tried.

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