Chapter 8~ Hospitality

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Brookes POV

I kept re-reading the blue writing. I am Pregnant. The words kept flowing through my mind. My best friend had sex with my friend unbelievable.

My headache swarmed and pounded my head. I clutched my head hard. A light buzz sounded in my ears that kept me from hearing. I fell to the ground. On my knees.

My face grew numb and weak allowing me not to speak very clearly. My vision got blurry as I saw the others coming down the stairs. Louis tried to make me stand up but it was impossible. I couldn't stand up. I started to loose feeling in the left side of my body. I tried to move my arm but was unable to.

I felt around to something to grasp with my free side. I grabbed Niall's ankle as he was walking away. I pulled him over I took his hand while Harry tried to calm my headache. BOOM DA BOOM DA BOOM. That's all I heard the pounding of my headache.

People smashed in through the door. They picked me up on a stretcher. I still held Nialls hand as Harry massaged my temples. My hand grew weak. I mouthed the words. 'I love you both' before I was lifted on the high car.

People looked over my body looking for any signs. They tried to speak but I couldn't hear them. I brought my hand up to my ear. They got a pad of paper and wrote. 'Miss. you are having a ischemic stroke.'

I clutched the movable stretcher as they put shots and ice on my head. I rubbed my sore blurry eyes. As we were getting out of the ambulance I passed out.


I awoke in a brightly light white room. Am I in heaven? I lifted my self up. I saw Alex, Hannah, El, and Dani. I accidently pressed a button because nurses came flooding in. I couldn't hear a word they said. They rubbed a towelet on my bicep then stuck the needle in the main blood line. I screamed. The nurse pushed the medicine down into myself. She covered it with a band-aid. It was Scooby Doo.  

I touched it then flinched. Eleanor came over and hugged me. "The boys are at rehearsal they should be on their way home." Everyone else hugged me but Alex.

She stayed in her seat eyeing me meanly. Maybe jealous?? Jealous she is not getting enough attention. We talked about the boys songs and life. They actually showed me a few songs. Forever Young, One Thing, and What Makes You Beautiful. I loved all the songs.

We were listening to Up All Night when the boys came in singing their song, They had McDonalds. I laughed at their big come in.

Louis looked at me and then ran at my bed. He hugged me hard. I laughed. "Louis stop!!" I said in between giggles. "Tap out then!!" I tapped his hand 2 times. "Yay I win!!"

I laughed as Zayn came over. He kissed my hand. "Don't ever scare us like that again." I hugged him. "Thank you." He looked at me weirdly. "For helping me." I hugged him tight.

Liam came over and lightly hugged me. "I am glad your okay Brooke." He said. I smiled.

Niall came over. I hugged him tight. "I am so happy my best friend didn't leave me." I smiled in his shoulder. "Me too."

Lastly, Harry came over with flowers. "Brooke I am so sorry and I hope you get better from your stroke. I pecked his cheek. "Thank you Harry." I smelled the flowers. Daffodils. My favorite. I put them beside my bedside.

Liam handed me a happy meal of chicken nuggets. I got the small meals since I was skinny. I took a sip from my sprite. The window opened and a letter flew in.

It was a paper airplane message. It was labeled for me. Eleanor caught it then handed to me. I opened it.

                                       To the ugly fat Brooke,

  I heard you had a stroke. Poor piece of shit!! I will get you back soon. Then you'll be my slave forever. I miss your whore like self. I miss beating you. I miss hitting you and having a sexy buddy. Come back soon or I will come get you and it wont be pretty. Your new 5 man whores will die!!

                                                                                                From, your only love and kidnapper, Nick

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