chapter two

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Walking Corpse Syndrome or Cotard's Syndrome is a mental disorder in which patients experience delusions that they are dead, do not exist, are putrefying or have lost their vital organs.


By the time the sun chased the sky, brightening my surroundings and warming my room, my mind was awake but my body was asleep. Replaying last night's events like a movie, I roll over to my side. My eyes encounter the blindness that caused the light coming through the window.

I feel like I've been stabbed repeatedly, furthermore as if I had the most horrible dream. As I start to see blue, I sit up and rub my eyes. I run my hand through my hair until my fingers get tangled somewhere in my mop of curls. When I try to pull my fingers off my hair, my hair's pulled along. I moan in pain as my head throbs.

It feels like a hangover, but it's just a heartbreak.

"Stupid bee!"

I jump and lazily get off bed, pulling my weak legs towards the window. I look through it, finding the man I contracted to cut the grass.

He's driving his usual lawn mower that I bought him for Christmas two years ago. A bee is in front him and he groans, trying to slap it away with his large hand. He jumps off the mower, running backwards until he falls into the lake. Geese honk and get away from him.

I let out a giggle.

I pull the window open, "Good morning, Niall!"

"Ah for fuck's sake!" He crawls out of the water, embarrassed that I saw what happened. "There's nothing good about it!"

"There are fresh clothes in the storage, you can come in and change!"

The blonde guy stands up, his wet hair covering his forehead. He sticks out a thumb.

"You're a life saver!"

I hear a knock at the door.

It's too early to be visiting - I barely have visitors besides Matty. There's another knock and I sigh at the unexpected, unwanted, inconsiderate visitor.

I hustle to brush my teeth and cover my pyjamas with a long black coat and answer the door. Matty barges inside without a word and kicks the door behind him.

"What are you doing here?" I sigh, walking into my kitchen. "I haven't got the time to drink my morning coffee." I say sarcastically, and I hear no answer.

Matty didn't follow behind so I walk out of the kitchen and find him standing still at the door.

"What the hell were you thinking, Bonnie?"

"About what?" I slowly approach him, and inspect him. "I did nothing wrong unlike you."

"I didn't came here to talk about us. I came here to talk about you."

"The door's right behind you, Matty."

I give him my back to walk away but his voice stops me.

"My friend posted online his friend Harry didn't make it home last night after the party. He said he saw him get into a Range Rover and that's it."

He steps in front of me, towering me as usual. My eyes stare at the cardigan I gave him as a birthday gift.

"I gave him a lift."

"To where?"

"He lives two blocks away from here, I dropped him off one minute away from his house," I start by saying.

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