chapter twelve

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Bartholomew's body is taken away. Reese's thoughts are far when she begins to move the chair into the woods under the night. She throws wood sticks on it and yells, "Don't just stand there!" I know she doesn't mean to be rude, but I help her get in on fire and when it's done, she tells me to go and leave her alone.

I remember the path back into the wooden house using the brightness from the moonlight. I get back inside and hear the phone ringing. I walk toward it and hesitate to pick it up. The second call happens when I'm making tea and I answer it, pressing the phone against my ear.

"It's Bonnie Faye. Reese is going through a very difficult time. Can I take a message?" I pick on the plastic flower's petal to keep myself busy as I speak, but I receive no reply. "Hello?" I check if I accidentally unplugged it, but I didn't.

I listen to the silence the other person gives me on the other end of the line. I can hear him even if there's nothing to hear. I sit down on the stool and let out a heavy sigh.


But I get nothing even if I deserve it at the very least. He must be questioning what's wrong with Reese so I don't let him wait any longer. I hate the fact that I have to do this without preparing the words for it.

"Bartholomew is dead."

Again. Silence. After a minute, the lines go dead.

Seconds after he ended the call, I put the phone down and wait for Reese to come back, so I can tell her.

Two days later, after the ceremony I company Reese to her house. She takes off her scarf and places it on her lap as she sits down. Before I close the door, Bonnie the dog runs between my legs and jumps on her lap.

"Go home, Bonnie." She says, hoarsely. "I really appreciate you being with me, but I can't keep pulling you into my sadness."

I imagine her now in this small box house being completely too big for her. She's alone without her father and Harry. Surrounded by family pictures, memories and her Pops' sunglasses on the table, his radio and white cane standing on the corner. She looks so small, tired and sentimental, I wouldn't want her to be alone. If I were her, I wouldn't.

"I want to stay."

"Funny how we've known each other for such little time and you're the only one here with me." She hugs her pet. "Harry wasn't even there. He just didn't fucking show himself."

"Maybe he has his reasons."

Reese gives me a death look and I change the subject.

"Want to go for a walk?"

"I'll rather sleep." She lies down and now I feel like I've said the worst thing ever to her. I head to the door and open it.

I almost crash with Harry. I must've looked so pathetic when I gasped his name, staring into his forest green eyes, they stared back into mine soullessly. There's something new about him; making him look different than the last time I saw him. He's gotten a haircut.

"Hey." The word left so softly from his pink lips.

"You're not welcomed here." A voice comes behind me and his eyes move to Reese who's standing at my back and his lips part, inhaling through them.

"Reese, I can explain..." He starts calmly.

"Close the door, Bonnie." She yells and I grab the doorknob immediately. He meets my eyes again but this time in disbelief. Fuck.

"You're closing it on my face?"

"Bonnie I don't want to see him!"

"I'm suffering too, Ri." He puts his hand on the door as Reese pushes my hand to close it. He puts his foot between it and opens it wider. He's too close to me, forcing to keep the door open. "Let me talk to her, Bon."

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