chapter six

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"He can't be serious. Please Christ, don't let him be serious." I drop the fork and lean back, elbows on the table and my face on the palm of my sweaty hands. I inhale and call myself stupid for an obvious reason; why in the hell I went blind to disappear with him? I finish breakfast, maybe he'll come back when he realizes that I'm just a girl seven hours away from home.

But ten minutes pass, and I grow anxious. The waffles starting to turn into fire inside my stomach and I can't eat anymore. I drank his water when I feel like everything is rushing up to my throat. I swallow and take it like a woman.

Outside I check the reception, but the phone dies immediately. Lost girl and phone dying cliché is happening to me, and I just simply stand - exactly where his truck was parked, waiting for someone to come and assassinate me.

"You lost?"

There he is. My murderer. He's walking toward his car, and I look away as if I didn't hear him. I don't want to do anything to draw his attention, but now, he starts to walk toward me. I guess he's going to kill me and hide me in the back of his car.

"Don't worry, I don't bite." He raises his hands and smiles, revealing his white teeth. "I saw you sing back there. Not many people know songs from Jet."

He reminds me of Matty. Not only because he's outgoing, but his hair is blonde and long, tall, thin lips and blue eyes. His clothes aren't like Matty's, he's not wearing a pink polo or khaki jeans. He's wearing dirty clothes you see mechanics men wear plus he has grease in his fingers.

I nervously laugh, scratching the back of my ear, "My friend just left me stranded and now I don't know how to get back. Do you know of a bus stop or... a train?"

"The bus here only has five stops, but there's a train station thirty minutes from here. Need a lift?"


"I'm Scott." He takes out his I.D from his wallet and shows me, "Not a psycho." He says, laughing and I feel relieved. "So what do you say?"

What's with me and getting in cars with random strangers? As I'm sitting next to Scott and hearing his R&B music for ten minutes, I start getting anxious again. If I ever get back, what am I going to tell Matty or my parents? The purpose of this was (to write a stupid book) disappear to catch the attention of my ex-boyfriend. Now I feel dumb for even thinking this could be an adventure. That I could be the center of attention of everyone. What a waste of time.

"So, what's your name?"

"Bonnie," I say and he lowers the volume of the music.

"What kind of friend leaves you stranded?"

I cringe. Hearing him call 'Harry' a friend makes me cringe. It's worse when it comes out from another person's mouth. Scott talks a lot, now I know his cat's name and that he has one bulldog named Bully and a dachshund he stole from the streets in Scotland. He tells me where he works, how many times he got fired and that his dream of becoming a guitarist never became real.

I barely hear the rest when from the afar, I notice a blue truck parked on the side of road made of sand. The truck gets bigger and bigger and we pass by it, I notice Harry inside. He's head on the wheel and before Scott could make a right turn, I grab his shoulder.

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