chapter nine

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"Are you lost?"

"No, we're in Edinburgh. Read the signs."

"I know, princess. But this is not a road anymore."

"How long have we been driving?"

Harry grabs my left arm to read the time from my watch, then takes a minute to think before responding back to me.

"I think one hour and forty minutes."

There's an almost dry beach with a welcome sign that says Cramond Beach. There are no cars, no sign of life around here. I'm starting to think I'm lost and he knows where to go. But he won't tell me until I admit it. Son of a bitch.

"We need to stop for gasoline."

"Then take us to the gas station, chauffeur." I can hear the hint of sarcasm and mocking. I know now he's been in Scotland before and knows where to go next from here, and he's not going to help me any time soon. I will add this to our book, I will write 'In a situation of life or death, he might have the tools to survive, but he won't give them to you because he's just like that, simply an arsehole.'

I begin to laugh, loudly and ugly. I force it to be even louder to mock him, but now I sound like a screaming whale or Ursula. He snorts and rubs under his nose, trying to keep himself serious. I stare back at the road and start hitting the steering wheel, accidentally honking.

"Christ, what's gotten into you?" He asks.

My evil laugh turns to be heartedly and genuine. I don't feel mad at him anymore. I turn to stare at him, his beautiful features. It's a beautiful sight.

"Laugh with me." I say out of breath. "Please."

He cracks a smile, fighting it. "I can't help it, it's contagious." Then he laughs, giving in. "Why are we laughing?"

My laugh is starting to fade as I notice his eyes crinkling, dimples exposing and his evident happiness. I'm the reason for that laugh. He notices I'm staring and looks at the road.

"What a beautiful sound-" I start.


The laughing is over. Everything's over. I look at the road, noticing an old man alone in front of us. I scream.

I stop the car sharp and hard, without slowing down. I feel my body going forward. Simultaneously, Harry and I throw our arm to each other to keep ourselves from flying through the window. It was an automatic move and even though we're saved, he doesn't move his hand from my chest and I don't take my hand away from his. Our eyes are wide in horror, and he looks down at my grip on his shirt.

"I'm so sorry. I almost killed us both." My voice shakes.

I expect him to say 'I'm already dead', at least maybe to light up the mood.

"Your heart is beating fast. Calm down." He points out.

My eyes water and I get out of the truck. The old man is clutching his chest, though I can't see it well. It's under his black coat. "I almost killed you. Are you okay? What are you doing out here alone?" I look back into the car.

He's in the same position (shocked) I left him, but after a few seconds he looks at us. He gets out of the truck.

"I..." The old man says. "My chest is burning."

"Do you know of a hospital around here?" I ask Harry.

"No. Get back in the truck." He tells me as if he doesn't care about the poor elder. "Hey, back. in. the. truck."

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