chapter eighteen

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Look at that lil bean!!!

The cab drops me off at Reese's house, my heels hanging in my hand while the bouquet occupies the other one. Harry's truck is there, and I can tell he just arrived as the lights turn on inside. I can see him through the window, walking and rubbing his eyes. I just want to know if he's okay. I want to hold him. I notice my legs have stopped moving. He probably doesn't feel the same way about me, but I have hope he's calmer now than at the reception. He's going to be surprised when he finds out that I've been living here for the past year.

Reese moved into Sheldon's flat three months after getting to know each other and taking care of the house became impossible for her since she lived far away. I offered to take care of it, water the plants, feed the pets and clean around, I would do it with love because I know this house was going to be Harry's if he ever came back.

But then I would find myself being here every time because I wanted to be the first one to know when Harry was back.

Matt became toxic, he put his hands on me twice, and threatened me that if I don't get back together with him, I'll regret it. I immediately sold my house. Reese asked me to live and hide from Matty in her house, since no one knows that house exists. But something in me tells me I'm still not safe from him.

The wooden door creaks as I push it open, dropping my heels, bouquet and purse on the floor. I lean to rub my foot, then I continue close the door behind me. He's not in the living room. His wallet and keys rest on the coffee table. I approach the dining room, leaning against the doorframe as I find him lightning up the candles on the table. He's giving me his back, and I'm quietly staring at him, wishing I could just hug him. There's so much we need to do and talk about, but he decided to hate me instead.

He drops his fists on the table, leaning forward and letting out a deep breath, "Bonnie." He feels my presence and looks at me over his shoulder. His wavy hair on his forehead, covering his eyebrows. There's nothing in his eyes, they don't shine the way that they did when they landed on mine.

I get my body off the wall, giving him my back before I can step out of the room, "I'm not here to bother you." I approach the stairs, hiking my silky dress up as I walk a few steps, but his voice stops me.

"Then what are you still doing here?" I grab the railing, looking down at him. He's at the end of the stairs.

"I live here." I try to leave out the details for now.

Harry rolls his bottom lip between his teeth, sighing, "So I'm not welcomed here, am I?" He looks so good in his suit. It hurts.

"Yes, you are, this is your home," I say, softly, walking downstairs and he pushes his hair back, walking backwards. "Harry..." My voice breaks.

"Bonnie, I need you to take your things and go," he runs his hand from his nose down to his neck, sweating in this hot house.


"Why?" He repeats calmly, "Because I don't want to see the woman who took a massive shit on my name."

"This is not how I dreamed seeing you again, Harry please don't do this to me." I grab his blazer and he grabs my wrists, pushing them off.

"I understand you're somewhat drunk, so you have 'til the morning to get the hell out before I do it my way," he says. "I'm giving you a head start to find yourself a good lawyer because your career is at stake. Guess who's going to continue dreaming of a Nobel Prize that's never going to win... you."

I rub my temples, muttering, "Please stop giving me hell for this."

Harry gives me a blank stare.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2018 ⏰

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