chapter three

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not edited

Harry sounded so sure of his statement which makes me find him quite hilarious, and hold back the unwanted laugh that's threatening to spill out of my mouth. He seems to notice my expression and he knits his eyebrows together, making a line between them.

"What's so funny?"


I say, hoping that that's the reaction he was expecting. His expression doesn't change. He's serious. He wasn't kidding. My eyes flick between him and Bartholomew.

"Wow, you are upsetting me." He crosses his arms against his chest, the wind pushing his hair to the side. I open my mouth and let it open long enough until I feel my drool filling my mouth. I realise I'm being stupid by being here while I should be telling whoever Harry's location.

"I... you know, I'm just gonna go."

I kneel down to pick up my phone and he raises his feet, menacing to crush my fingers.

"I need my phone."

"You also need your hand, don't you?"

I scrunch up my face, eyes glued to him. The hell is his problem? Bartholomew squeezes his shoulder again, and Harry gives me access to grab my phone. Once I take it, he lets out a defeated sigh.

"Pops!" A young girl walks out to the front porch, and Bartholomew turns around following her voice. Harry stays standing without moving a single muscle, practically glaring at my presence. Each second that I spend here, it seems like he hates it - for some reason - I don't know. I try not to take it personally. "Well, hello. You're new."

"Hi, I'm Bonnie." I travel pass the both men in front of me and walk a few steps closer to the house. The girl walks down the small stairs, smiling with sympathy. It almost seems she's just smiling because she finds it funny that Bonnie is her dog's name. "I just came here to speak to Harry. I'm sorry for interrupting your morning."

"Ugh, no way. I'm sick and tired of being with these two stubborns in the middle of nowhere. I'm so glad we have company."

"She was just leaving." Harry says behind me.

"I just got here." I say, looking at him over my shoulder and sending him a wink to piss him off. Bartholomew is smiling, facing the other way.

"Oh sod off, Harry." The smaller girl spits at the tall bloke behind me, "I'm Reese. Come in, breakfast's ready."

I walk in after her, feeling strange that I just walked into a stranger's home in the middle of the woods. The house's an antique, postmodern art hanged on walls, the heat inside's unpleasant and there's a small fan next to an old extremely television.

"Watch your steps!" Reese gasps a second before I trip over a black bag and I land in a litter box. "Harry! Your bags are on the way!"

"What happened?" He asks as I sit up, disgusted with myself - also, hating my curse of klutz-ing in front of strangers. I look up at him and he finds me. He tilts his head and smiles. "Well, that's inconvenient."

"I need..." I say, barely moving my lips to keep urine outta my mouth.

"A shower." Reese gives me a guilty grin, handing me a small towel on the way. "Harry show her where's the bathroom."

"No, no, it's fine. My house's right around the corner." Now I sound embarrassed and desperate to leave the house.

"Hey, it's no trouble. Be our guest." She assures me. I wonder if I'm the first visitor ever in this house. I wipe my face with the soap scented towel, and stand up, facing Harry immediately.

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