chapter seventeen

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I bite his bottom lip, softly pulling it and letting it go, losing contact of his lips. But he quickly grabs the back of my head and catches my lips with his again. He gives me one lasting kiss.

He pulls apart exactly when I want more.

"I promise you if I ever get better, I'll come back, okay? And even if it takes long, if you're married or have a boyfriend... I'm going to steal you away from him." I know he's just saying that.

"Please do."

"Steal you away." He repeats, emphasizing, raising his eyebrows.

"I won't even complain." I whisper and he kisses my forehead.

"Take care Bonnie."

He begins to walk toward his truck and suddenly all my short memories with him begin to flash in my head.

"Wait! I have to give you something. Don't go!" I run upstairs, grabbing the draft I printed for his book. "The manuscript is not finished but I think you can write the rest yourself-" When I reach to the front porch, he's already gone.

I feel my lips quiver as I look down at it. "I will write about you, strange boy." I promise to the air.


The boy that I wrote about isn't in my life anymore. Harry, the boy in my book, is dead to me. His disappearance stings, my memories with him make it hard to breathe. The book is selling, and the fame is rising. I try to forget about him, but interviews and signing don't let me. I want to see him, feel him, kiss him, love him, take care of him... but I hate him.

"It is time to toss the bouquet!"

I chug down my last shot, looking over my shoulder, watching a crowd form behind the beautiful bride... Reese. She's holding the bouquet, waving at me to hurry and join the girls. I let out a breath, wiping the corner of my lips and jumping off the tall stool. I lazily walk toward the crowd, but stay far behind, uninterested. Once everyone is settled, Reese throws the bouquet and as the girls jump to catch it, it lands on my hands. I look down at it, registering what just happened. I look up at Reese and she smiles, sadly knowing my love isn't here with me tonight.

I give it to the girl next to me and just scurry into the restroom. I don't realize Reese is behind me until she closes the door behind her.

"Stop," she whispers. "Please, stop missing him."

I grab the sink, clenching my teeth, "Tell me how I stop missing my soulmate." I turn to her, pushing my curls back, "We're in a wedding, your wedding... I miss Harry more than ever."

"Try harder, he's gone," she says, voice breaking, "You know how hard we worked to spread the word around about my wedding, and he didn't come. He still didn't show up."

"Why does he hate us? What did we ever do to him?" I shout, glaring at myself in the mirror.

"Please don't say that, he didn't hate us, he didn't hate you." She caresses my arm, "We were his family and that's sacred to him."

"I wasn't good enough for him to stay," I say, "But he did go make Chelsea's last moments of life a beautiful dream, but he never came back to me."

"And I stopped wondering why he didn't come back," Reese says, "He's gone for good and I can feel it, Bonnie. He was never on the road for a long time. He would've given us a call to tell us he's okay... he really is gone."

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