chapter fifteen

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This chapter sucks but-

7 Days Later

"Do you wonder all the things he's done before?" Niall says to me as Nicola curls my hair. "It doesn't interest you?"

"I don't care about his past."

"I don't know the boy but what Bonnie has said about him so far, all I know he's mysterious and what's up with a little mystery in your life?"

"Is that what you think of Harry... a mystery?" Niall asks me.

"Maybe." I say. "I just wonder what he'd be like today, tomorrow, the next day. I wake up hoping to see his smile, sometimes I get it, sometimes I don't."

"I just see you really... excited and hopeful about this guy, it makes me worry. Harry has never been a nice person." He says. "Sick or not, he's not nice." I roll my eyes.

"Niall." Nicola scolds. "I'm done with your hair, B."


"We're going to go join the other guests."

Nicola and Niall leave my bedroom and I start doing my makeup. Halfway through my mascara, I jump when I notice Harry's reflection in the mirror. He's standing at the door with his arms crossed against his chest and he's smirking.

"You fucking scared me."

"There are approximately ten people downstairs and they're already drunk. Wasn't the party supposed to start thirty minutes from now?"

"I know right? They're fucking early - wait," I point at him, "You're not wearing a tux. Wear a tux Harry. It's a formal birthday party."

"Exactly, so now explain to me why you're wearing a robe?"

"I'm not ready, obviously. Go back home and wear something nice."

"Of course, I already have the prince hair why not wear a tux too?" He says, I groan. "You look stressed. Believe me this is the best birthday party Reese is going to have."

"I'm not stressed because of that. I just... I don't know what dress to choose."

He opens my closet and pushes his hands inside his pockets from his dirty looking jeans. His eyes flick between the yellow and the blue dresses.

"Wear the blue if you're going to Church or something."

"I have worn it for Church actually."

"So we have the yellow," He touches the fabric, "This is plain sexy." The way he says 'sexy' makes me drop the lip gloss and he looks over his shoulder. "Wear the yellow one."

I clear my throat, "Where's Reese by the way?"

"Getting ready."

"Then go get ready too."

"I am ready, Bonnie."

"No you're not! Your jeans are hideous and your shirt is simply dirty. This is the third time I see you wear it."

"And I'll keep wearing it." He walks toward me, brushing the imaginary dirt from my shoulders. "Even at your funeral."

"Is that a threat?" I raise my eyebrow.

"Oh yeah." He picks up the lip gloss and applies some on my bottom lip, slowly and softly. He slides the stick from the corner of my mouth to another one and I watch his face soften and his lips part. He looks down at the lip gloss and puts it down. "Uh."

"I've been trying to kiss you for a week."

"I know." He simply says.

I put his hands on my cheeks.

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