Chapter Eight- Sleepless in Konoha

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It was only nine in the afternoon when Naruto had rushed both Kakashi and Sakura into their sleeping wraps for the night. He wanted to get up early and head get a head start.
"Naruto... you keep saying you have all of these reasons why you need to go see Gaara. I'm just wondering if you could tell us at least one of them?" Sakura cautiously tried to pry, not wanting to upset the blonde again.
"Like I said; it's been three years. Wouldn't you want to see someone you care about after three years? Someone that was exactly like you?" He replied, staring blankly at the roof of the tent. The girl nodded. She never realized how important the red-head was to her partner. It was almost cute how he acted so desperate to see him again. He seemed almost like her with Sasuke.
"You remind me of me.." she whispered timidly.
"What?" Naruto blinked and turned himself to face her.
"You remind me of myself." The pink-haired girl repeated. "You act like I do-- like I did when Sasuke was still around." She smiled, and Naruto noted a hint of a tear sliding down her cheek closest to the pillow. The fabric absorbed the salty fluid instantly. Naruto stared at the spot where the droplet had disappeared for a moment before looking back up at Sakura.
"What are you suggesting..?" He worriedly pondered. Sakura's expression changed from sadness to a hint of annoyance,
"Oh, Naruto! You always do that!"
"Wh- do what?  I just asked what you meant." He muttered confusedly.
"You always ask questions when you should leave it be."
"Alright, alright. Settle down, children. You did want to get an early start, right Naruto?" Kakashi mumbled out from under his pillow.
"Oh, right!" Naruto smiled, "Good night, Sakura! Good night, Kakashi-Sensei!" he chimed as he rolled over onto his right side.
"Good night, Naruto." both Kakashi and Sakura dryly muttered in unison.

'So much for energy...' Naruto thought. A few hours had passed. Both Sakura and Kakashi had long fallen asleep. The light snores of the old man mixed with the heavy breathing of the young girl gave Naruto enough reason to believe it was safe to go for a midnight stroll. Slowly, the young man rolled out of the wrap and neatly fixed the covers. There was a crease in Naruto's pillow where his head once was. He decided to leave a note inside of it, just in case either of his teammates awoke while he was gone. He found a piece of paper and a pencil, and jotted down a few words:

"Dear to whoever is reading this: I needed some fresh air and went for a walk. If I'm not back in an hour (it's 2AM), then assume I've been kidnapped by the Akatsuki and go beat some ass.
-Naruto Uzumaki"

He then rested the note gently on his pillow, and walked out of the tent entrance.


Sorry again for the lack in continuing the story! I've been really busy and sick the past couple weeks ish and haven't had much time to write and such. I'll see if I can squeeze out another chapter this weekend, but not promises.. I'm super busy tomorrow and I have to work Sunday so we'll just have to see. Thank you for your patience. Sorry if there's any grammatical or spelling errors, I wrote this in a rush.. also sorry for the shortness of the chapter! Thank you for your support!

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