Chapter Twenty- Reunion

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'This is the longest fifteen seconds of my life' Gaara grumbled as he ran his fingers through his sandy hair. 'Pleeeeeeeeeeease be okay Naruto, I'm coming love, hold on.'
Heat was the first and only thing the red-head felt as he infiltrated the blondes room. The Kazekage began to pant, it seemed like the boy was radiating. His chakra accentuating the boys body heat.
"Oh Naruto.." Gaara sighed with worry as he rushed towards the window and opened it. Suddenly the blonde began thrashing around as if this was the wrong move. Panic filled the raccoons body and he rushed over to his lover, holding him as close as possible.
"Naruto! Love! Wake up! Please!" Gaara ran his hand over Naruto's forehead. "Oh my god you're completely boiling!" More urgency bubbled through the Kazekage's veins. Just as suddenly as the red-head had rested his hand on the boys forehead, he woke up, and the fever started to disappear. Brilliant blue eyes flashed open and connected with the distraught green ones. Fear leaped into the blondes eyes as he forcefully pulled himself out of the red-heads arms and scuttled backwards to the other side of the bed.
"Why?! Why do you keep doing this? I just want to leave!" Naruto cried.
'He doesn't realize he's not dreaming anymore..' A tear slowly rolled and escaped from both of the boy's eyes.
"Naruto, you're not dreaming, I promise." Gaara tried gently. The teen shook his head,
"Why do you keep doing that, over and over again! Why can't you just let me go!"
"Naruto! I love you!" What ever Naruto had been dreaming was obviously a bad loop between himself and the blonde, Gaara didn't like it.
"Again with that! You realize we never said that face to face before right?"
"Well.. now we have! Or at least I have.."
"Wow, you're really trying for this one aren't you?" Naruto was really breaking down now. "Why can't you just stop?" He whimpered. Gaara was thinking fast,
'What could I do to prove it.. OH THE NECKLACE!' In a quick flourish of movement, the Kazekage yanked the broken cord from inside his cloak.
"Does my look alike have this?" He stared desperately into the blondes eyes. His eyes widened as realization hit him like a rock.
"Oh- Oh Gaara!!" Naruto bellowed, shoving himself into Gaara's open and welcoming arms.
"I'm so sorry Naruto-kun." The red-head mumbled into the blondes shoulder. Warm tears began to soak into both boys clothed shoulders as they enjoyed the reunion.


Sorry for such an uber short chapter! Also I'm Soooooo sorry I've been gone, so much has been happening, and I don't know how often I'll be updating within the next two weeks. I have a lot of work and studying for finals and birthdays and... yeah it's just a mess. My life is busier now than it has ever been. Anyway, good night guys! I just wanted to squeeze this in befire I went to bed, (12:43am) huehue. Later peeps! 👌

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