Chapter Fourteen- Good Morning

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Light and the insufferable desert heat caused stirring in the tower.




Naruto's forehead crinkled and he let out a light groan.




The blonde let out a slightly more dramatic groan this time, lifting his head slightly. This pillow was very noisy, and kind of hard. The teen scooted himself upwards in an attempt to escape the noise beneath his head. Although desperately clinging onto the fuzzy clouds of sleep, Naruto took subtle note of an unfamiliar, very warm terrain beneath his bare chest. Naruto nuzzled down into a crevice that the warmth provided. The fox couldn't quite figure out what this lumpy thing was, but concluded that it was oddly comforting. Once he was comfortable, the blonde let out a satisfied sigh.

A very light chuckle dispersed just enough clouds from Naruto's mind for him to catch on that this lump was moving. Half of Naruto's body was rising and falling ever-so-slightly, not of his own accord. He also noticed his hair was lightly drifting back and forth, grazing his forehead. The teen groaned once again, pulling himself more onto the mound and burying his face in the pillow underneath it. Naruto heard a grunt, followed by what he thought was a hand running its fingers through his silky blonde tendrils. The fox grinned slightly, letting out a small purr-like sound, thoroughly enjoying being pet. The lump chuckled again.

Finally, the fog lifted from Naruto's mind. The blonde stationed his arms on either side of the mound, and shot himself upwards. Electric blue eyes instantly connected to the seafoam green ones belonging to the lumpy pillow. The corner of Gaara's lips turned up slightly into a smirk, causing Naruto to deliver his signature goofy smile in return.

"Good morning," the Kazekage greeted.

"Morning!" Naruto yipped, leaning down and stealing a kiss. The two teens stared lovingly at one another. The blonde's eyes glided down every feature of the red-head's face, before taking note of his position over the Kazekage. A mild blush flooded his cheeks upon the realization. Gaara smirked slightly and lifted his hand towards Naruto's cheek.

"Naruto-Kun?" He asked, rubbing the fox's cheek lightly with his thumb. Naruto melted into Gaara's hand, giving only a slight mmh as a response. "Naruto," the Kazekage said again. The blonde opened his eyes and made eye-contact with the man below him.

"Mhm?" He hummed adoringly.

"Would you mind getting off?" Gaara asked. Naruto's eyes widened slightly,

"Oh, sorry! Yeah." Naruto replied sheepishly, sliding off of the red-head. The fox was too focused on following orders that he hadn't caught the mischievous glimmer in his boyfriend's eye. The moment that the blonde's hip touched the bed, he was suddenly being shoved down onto the mattress. He now was looking up at Gaara with mild awe. Naruto was doing his best to mask how sexy he thought this shift of power was with an innocently confused face.

"Sorry, Naruto-Kun. I don't typically enjoy beauty from below. I like to take everything in." It was all over. Naruto felt his entire body heat up with a fiery blush the shade of his boyfriend's hair. Gaara tutted and shook his head slightly, teasing the blonde. "I'm going to have to train you to control yourself. This isn't the first time you've been under me, and look at you." Gaara leaned down to kiss Naruto's forehead. "You're burning hot. You look like we need to bathe you in aloe for the next year, darling." Naruto didn't know it was possible to blush even harder.

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