Chapter Eighteen- The Night That Wept.

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A groan was barely audible through the stiff air, swirling with humidity and heat. The boy tried to take a breath in, but the air was so thick it was nearly impossible.

"Where am I?" He muttered aloud, and no answer came as he slowly sat up and looked at his surroundings.

Darkness. Pure, unrelenting darkness. Naruto felt as if it was infecting his inner self by just being in its presence.

"Hello? Anybody out there?" The boy brought himself to his feet, turning in brief circles in hopes of possibly even getting a glance of something, but there was nothing. Nothing to be found, just miles and miles of black stained air. "Hello? Please! I'm here!" He tried, but no one came.

The blonde tried running straight infront of him in hopes of finding something special, but his efforts were futile. It was as if he was running in place.

"Hello?! Hellooooooooooooooooo?!" Naruto cried, wanting some kind of response, some kind of recognition.

Finally, after several minutes of yelling himself hoarse and sprinting to exhaustion, he noticed a small glimmer. A speck of light that normally be believed he would've missed. A chuckle and a pair of eyes appeared. Piercing red eyes with sclera almost as dark as the surrounding appeared, and focused on the boy.

"Are you done?" The voice sounded like it was a mixture of soprano, alto, and bass voices all mixed into one.

"Wh-who are you?" Naruto blurted out, staring fixatedly into the dark floating eyes. Each moment something small was revealed about the eyes, and slowly they were forming a body to accommodate.

The voice chuckled, "Idiot." it squeaked. "Don't you believe you should know who you are?" With those words, the body was suddenly revealed in a quick flourish of what seemed to be flying beads.
There before him, stood his own reflection except with piercing crimson eyes. It looked as if blood had poured into each iris of each eye to fabricate such a color.

"Wait.... are you... me?" Naruto stuttered, gliding his gaze up and down his twin.

"Yes, I'm you and you're me, let's get the simplicities out of the way, okay?" The second blonde grunted.

"Why am I talking to myself though?" The first teen didn't seem to understand the importance like the latter did, and evil Naruto began to grow annoyed.

"Well, tonight we're going to be having a little... fun." He barked, gritting his teeth and with a snap of his fingers, the darkness subsided into a light gray haze. Shadows upon shadows of unidentified figures stood just barely out of sight. Beside the new Naruto was a chair with chains and shackles.

"Wh-what's that?" Naruto nervously inquired. The second Naruto who was admiring the seat, snapped his neck into the firsts direction,

"Don't ask questions!" He growled. With a flick of his index finger, Naruto was somehow bound and gagged in that chair. The blonde's eyes widened, and terror filled his eyes. He began to jerk his body in various directions trying to break free, but all it caused was the chair to creak unhappily. "Sit still you swine! Just relax and enjoy the show." An evil smirk curled the lips of the true Naruto's twin, and to him it felt as if Jack Frost's long and crooked finger trailed down his spine.

With another snap of the dark blonde's fingers, an examination table appeared right infront of the shinobi. It too had restraints. The blonde clapped twice, and in a chipper tone he requested for the first sacrifice to appear.
'Sacrifice?' Naruto's stomach turned at the idea of what he was about to see.

The first to appear strapped down to the table was none other than the one most important to him.

"Gaara!" The blonde tried to scream, but with the mass of cloth being shoved and taped to his mouth, it all sounded like muffled nonsense.

As the dark Naruto wheeled out a tray of instruments, the red-head began to plead for his life, not knowing which Naruto was which.

"Naruto, please! I'm sorry for everything I've done, I'm sorry I've not contacted you once! I'm sorry, please don't do this! The people of Sunagakure need me." He frantically babbled.

"Save it." Dark Naruto hissed, examining a scalpel with his eyes before slowly lowering it to the man's chest.

"Please! You don't have to do this!" The man screamed as the thin metal pierced into his bare chest. Slowly the crimson fluid bubbled up and started oozing from the open wound that the evil blonde continued to drag down the center of Gaara's chest. The good Naruto stared in shock and rage boiled inside of him. He began to jerk his arms and legs with all of the force he could muster.

"No no no. That won't do." Evil Naruto clicked his tongue in dissatisfaction and added a few more thick leather straps to hold down his twins thighs and trunk. "Down doggie." He giggled, and turned back to his subject. Naruto watched in horror and his eyes filled with tears as the malicious one continued to drag the scalpel down his lovers chest and stomach over and over again.

"Naruto, please-" Gaara wept, now looking over at the bound and gagged of the two. "Please stop this."

"Quit chatting!" The boy screeched, taking a long sharp knife, and grabbing hold of the Kazekage's tongue.

What followed was truly gruesome, and screams echoed through the dull gray atmosphere. Naruto shut his eyes, and the salty fluid that had not yet left his eyes, poured from them now.
'I'm so sorry Gaara!'

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