Chapter Eleven- Seeing Stars

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Kakashi, Sakura, Kankuro and Temari stared at the two young men squirming around on the ground. Nobody was quite sure of what to say.

'What the?' Sakura thought to herself. Naruto wasn't nearly this excited when he greeted her and Kakashi back in Konoha. 'If I didn't know better...' her thoughts trailed off as Kakashi stepped forward. He gently pried his number one knucklehead ninja off of the Kazekage and held a hand out to him. Gaara nodded in acknowledgement of the gesture, kindly declining the offer and standing up on his own. He brushed sand off of his vest and composed himself.
"Welcome." He greeted the group. Naruto, finally acknowledging that he and Gaara were surrounded by people, sheepishly smiled.
"Thank you, Kazekage-sama" Sakura bowed. The red-head half turned toward his siblings.
"Shall we go?" Temari chimed in, motioning back to the interior of the village. Gaara and Naruto simultaneously nodded.

Time Skip: Evening

Several hours of showing off the Kazekage's beautiful desert village, good food, and many laughs later, everyone began to wind down. Kakashi and the other two sand siblings had already turned in for the night. Sakura, not wanting Naruto to feel awkward being alone with Gaara, tried to last as long as possible. The two boys hadn't left each other's side once the entire time. Naruto was fascinated with Gaara's becoming Kazekage. This was the topic of much discussion that day. In fact, Gaara was in the middle of discussing another trivial aspect of his job description, when Sakura let out a rather dramatic yawn.
"Ahh... man, when did you two become so close? You've been at it for hours." She stretched and popped her neck. Naruto, slightly annoyed that Sakura had interrupted, replied
"We've always been close, Sakura-chan." Too tired to argue, the girl rolled her eyes.
"Whatever." She started, "Gaara-kun? Where's Temari's quarters? I need to hit the sack." The young Kazekage motioned in a direction.

"Down the hall. Third door on the left." He drawled. She nervously smiled, nodding.
"Thank you, Kazekage-san." She groggily dragged herself in the direction of Temari's bedroom, waving good night to the boys.
At last, the two were alone. Naruto was at first excited, being around Gaara gave him immense energy. He looked at the young man before him, and then it hit. The guilt he felt earlier slammed him like a sack of bricks. The fox's intense and sudden mood swing caused the air to grow heavy. Gaara glanced up at the blonde. Naruto sheepishly met his glance and then quickly averted his eyes.
"Naruto-kun?" The Kazekage's monotone voice penetrated the painfully awkward silence. A timid smile spread across Naruto's lips,
"Gaara-kun... I-" he started, finding it very hard to spit out the words in his head. "I'm sorry... about, um... you know- back then." He stuttered. Confusion flooded the redhead's eyes.


"Well, you know? What happened... what I did to you." Naruto hung his head with guilt, images of that night flooding his mind. Realization hit the Kazekage. He reached out and grabbed Naruto's hand. Startled, the blonde looked up at the raccoon.
"Naruto-kun, what did I tell you that night?" He asked Naruto in the most soothing voice he could muster. He pulled Naruto closer into a warming embrace.
"What do you mean?" The fox blinked.
"Do you remember what I told you that night?" The redhead wrapped his arms around Naruto, resting one hand on the back of his head. He shifted slightly so that his mouth was next to the blonde's ear, "I may not have been ready then. Times have changed. Three years does a lot to a man. Naruto-kun, I crave it." His voice was barely above a whisper. Gaara's warm breath on Naruto's neck and ear sent shivers through the young man. The blonde's eyes widened, and a mischievous smile spread across his lips.

The moonlight was just as revealing as it was all that time ago, displaying his deep crimson blush for the whole world to see. Seeing that Naruto's face was as deep red as his own hair, Gaara's eyes shown with a mischievous glimmer. His eyes were captivating. Naruto felt himself being swallowed up in the red-head's sea green eyes. Naruto tried to speak, but all he could do is let out a quiet squeak.
'I crave your touch too, Gaara.' He thought. Gaara's smirk deepened,
"Speechless?" He snickered ominously, "good. I don't want you to speak now anyway." He finished, staring into Naruto's bright blue eyes. The Kazekage raised his hand to the fox's chin, rubbing his lower lip with his thumb. "Not a word is needed." He muttered, closing the space between their lips. Naruto melted into the kiss. Just before his eyes glided shut, he noticed a shooting star in the window behind Gaara. He closed his eyes and thought,
'I wish to be hisforever.'

Sorry for such a short and crappy chapter, I didn't know what else to write, and I don't want to make everything happen at once. I'll try to make the next chapter juicy for you guys, unfortunately it won't be the yaoi chapter though XD (I'm really excited to write that and I don't know why) anyway, it's just been really eventful recently and I haven't been able to come up with a new chapter. I don't think I can top chapter ten though, I'm really proud of that XD anyway, tank you for your views, comments, and votes! I hope you enjoy this chapter.

(A/N pt 2) Hey friends! So, I rewrote basically this entire chapter, but kept the highlights. I want to keep the old author's notes if I edit these chapters because I like to preserve that younger version of myself. Anyway, I think this revamped chapter is MUCH better than the previous. I hope you think so too! Have a wonderful morning/evening/night, everyone!

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