Chapter Ten- Long Time No See

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"Gaara!" There was a thumping on the young Kazekage's door early in the morning. "Gaara, come on! You need breakfast before we go to meet Naruto and his team!" Temari sighed when her little brother continued not to answer.
'He was so excited too.. I guess it wouldn't hurt to check and see if he's there... right?' Hesitantly, the young woman jiggled the doorknob of her younger brothers room.
'Locked... of course.' The girl sighed again and turned away from the door.
"Well, Gaara.. if you are in there... come down and get breakfast. And if you're not.."
'Then I'll see you at the gate.' She finished her sentence in her thoughts. She was correct; she would see him later at the entrance to the village, because that's where he was. The young man was scanning the area for nearly an hour by now.
'Come on, Naruto...' Gaara thought impatiently. 'You've kept me waiting long enough.. my little fox.'

(p.o.v. Switch)

Naruto sprung from the branches of the last trees between Konoha and Suna, landing stealthily on the crisp desert sand.
"Naruto, you don't have to jump around like that, It's not like there's real purpose to this mission." Sakura scoffed. Naruto sweat-dropped and looked back at the girl and their Sensei. Had they completely forgotten Gaara's goodbye kiss? They really had no idea why he wanted to see the Kazekage so badly.
"How many times do I have to tell you?" The blonde stood up slowly, "there is purpose for this mission." Naruto glared at the girl before turning and started to sprint again.
"Sakura," Kakashi scolded, "let it go. This is important to Naruto, and you know that. Stop acting childish." With that, he too sprinted off. Sakura sighed and chased after the two.
'Childish?' she thought.

(p.o.v. Switch)

Gaara had started to grow tired of standing and created himself a small sand cushion to sit on. He was using his third eye jutsu to get a wider range of vision, sending it out a few miles from his position. The eye had just turned to look at the left when it saw movement. The eye quickly turned back to see a tuft of yellow hair a few more miles out. The Kazekage extended his reach with the jutsu, and his thoughts were confirmed. Naruto was almost there.
"Tsht." Gaara sighed, "Naruto.. why aren't you a faster runner?" He asked the desert heated air. The young man shook his head and closed his eyes. "Patience.." he murmured. "It won't be long before he's in my arms again. Just a little more patience." That's when a female voice called out
"Hey, Gaara! How long have you been out here?!" It was Temari. She sounded angered. The red head sighed and turned towards his sister.
"Naruto and his team are a few miles from the gate." He  called back, grinning.
"You didn't answer my question," Temari scolded. "How long have you been out here?"
"It's not like I had much to do anyway. I finished what I needed to for the next five hours and then I came out to wait." The Kazekage looked out towards the direction of where Naruto's team was coming from. Temari's expression went from stern to soft, and she smiled as she shook her head.
'Oh, Gaara... you really care for your friend don't you?'

(p.o.v. Switch)

The young man was now sprinting faster than he ever had before. He noticed a small little circular ball floating in the sky about ten feet back.
'Gaara's third eye jutsu.' Naruto's thoughts concluded. "I'm coming Gaara!" he bellowed, and began running so fast he looked as if he was flying.
"Naruto! Seriously! We're almost there, can you please slow down?!" Sakura shouted, struggling to keep up.
"That's why I have to run faster!" Naruto beamed. He recalled the last time he was at the village; how he tried to have Gaara let him reenact his dirty thoughts. For a split second, guilt washed over him. Then he remembered how Gaara soothed him to sleep, telling him everything was okay. How none of it mattered because even though it had just happened, it was in the past. 'Don't worry, Gaara. I won't do that to you again. I promise.' he thought, and swore it off with a signature smile.

(p.o.v. Switch)

"About time you came, Kankuro." Temari barked.
"Sorry! It's not my fault Gaara left the village with no warning. Someone had to deal with the elders, and I didn't see you doin' it!" the puppeteer shot back. They continued to make snide remarks to each other for several minutes before Gaara had enough.
"Quiet. Both of you." He growled. They both quickly turned and bit their tongues. The young Kazekage turned back. For a moment, he could've sworn he saw the same tuft of blonde hair that his third eye had seen minutes earlier.
He was correct, and his eyes widened. "He's here. They're.. here." Gaara let some excitement slip out with his words. He stood up and began to walk towards them. Naruto had continued to sprint as fast as he could.
Twenty feet.
Fifteen feet.
Ten feet.
Five feet.
One foot.
Naruto's arms were open wide as he collided with the Kazekage. He tightly wrapped his arms around the red-head as they collapsed onto the soft sand of the desert. Gaara's eyes grew wide as the impact finally took affect on him. Happy tears leaked down the blondes face and were absorbed by Gaara's clothing.
"Hi, Gaara." The young fox cried. He nuzzled into the Kazekage's neck. Gaara softened at the boys words and wrapped his arms around Naruto.
"Long time no see, Naruto-kun." Burying his face in the blondes shoulder.

Sorry for all of the point of view switches, I wanted to get action from both sides.. and that was the only way that made sense to me to do. I hope you enjoy this chapter, I know I did.

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