Chapter Fifteen- Thank you, Kurama

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As the minutes past at the breakfast table, Naruto's mood fell further and further. Temari, Kankuro, Kakashi and Sakura were sharing stories, laughing and smiling. Naruto couldn't quite build up the energy to participate in such chatter. The teen was absent-mindedly squishing a piece of squid on his plate when he finally thought to himself,

'Why?' The question awakened a rumble deep within his belly.

'Why, what?' it asked.

'Oh, sorry, Nine-Tails.' Naruto sat against the wall next to the demon's cage. 'It's nothing, don't worry about it.' The fox huffed with exasperation,

'In case you haven't figured it out, I can hear your thoughts, kid. I know when something's up with you. Not that I care; I don't like you, but I hate you even more when you're upset. You're weak. You're a sap.' He snapped. Naruto turned his head to glare at the fox.

'Gee, thanks. You sure make a guy wanna talk.' The blonde muttered.

'That's the point,' the demon stated, ignoring the sarcastic undertones. 'You were thinking that you needed someone to talk to, right? Who better than your own inner demon?' He finished, snickering at his joke. Naruto rolled his eyes and audibly groaned.

'Wow, Nine-Tails... just, wow.' Momentarily, Naruto thought of Jiraiya. The fox demon chose to ignore the comparison.

'I have a name, you know.' He growled. This caught Naruto off guard.

'What? Tailed-Beasts have names?' He stammered. Naruto's jaw dropped with surprise at this new revelation.

'Of course we do, you idiot.' The fox shook his head, unsure as to why he was even surprised anymore. 'Think back to when you and Gamabunta went head-to-head with that boy you're so fascinated with—did he just refer to him as one-tails?' Naruto screwed up his face in concentration.

'Mm... yeah, I think so,' he decided.

'No, he did not! Do you really believe that we go around calling each other by our number of tails?' the fox snapped, and began to simulate a conversation: '"Hey there, One-Tails! How's it goin', Mr. Raccoon? Oh, hey three-bee! Nothin' much goin' on over here, Sir Turtle.'" Naruto stifled a snicker, not thinking it was wise to laugh while the fox was clearly irritated. 'Thanks.' The fox groaned. The blonde, once again, became confused.

'Huh?' The demon groaned and rolled his eyes,

'Your thoughts, Naruto.' He chided.

'Oh, right. I guess I can kinda be an idiot sometimes,' he chuckled awkwardly, leaning back against the wall.

'A mild understatement.'

'That was rhetorical!' The blonde shouted. The two shared a short laugh, then looked at each other sternly. Eventually that sternness dripped away from the teen's eyes, and he looked down at the glistening tiles. The fox couldn't hold onto his anger either. His gaze softened as he looked down upon the boy he's watched grow up from his birth.

'Naruto,' the fox's voice rumbled through the teen's mind. Naruto looked back up at the fox. 'Naruto, you need someone to talk to. I don't like humans, and I certainly don't like you... but I've seen you grow up. I know the pain you've gone through, your struggle. We've both had our fair share of hardships, and we both know what it's like to exist with nothing. If I try, in the end I think I could end up liking you. Everywhere you turn, you change someone's heart, and you've threatened to change mine—and you are. Every stem you take turns a small place in my heart towards believing the words that you say. So, seeing as neither of us have a choice in the matter, we might as well get along. Naruto, I want you to call me by my name. Try to get yourself out of the habit of calling me "Nine-Tails." My name is Kurama, and from this day forth, we are friends.' Kurama finished. Naruto blinked, awe taking over his expression.

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