Chapter 6

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The next day Newt woke me up early, which I wasn't pleased about but he said he had to show me something. He led me to the West wall, it was covered in vines. Then Newt lifted the vines to show a window.

"Look." Was all he said pointing to the window.

I was just looking into a maze corridor for a few minutes, nothing was happening and I was getting really impatient.

"Newt what am –" I started to say but a huge slimy creature appeared from around the corridor. It was disgusting, all slimy and part machine with spikes sticking out of its flesh.

All of a sudden I pounced at the window, I let out a yelp thinking it was going to crack the window but it didn't. If they didn't want me to go out in the maze I definitely wouldn't now that I've seen what's out there. I heard laughing and looked up to see Newt laughing. Why was he laughing, it wasn't funny.

"Shut up," is all I said to him while nudging his shoulder playfully.

Then Newt said "Come here,"

I followed him to the East wall where there was a wall with everyone's name engraved into it. I smiled at the thought of them having a nice place to remember everyone. Then I noticed that a few names had a line through them. I realised what this meant and I gulped.

Newt handed me a knife and I started to carve my name in between Newt's and Gally's.

When I had finished Newt told me that I was officially part of the glade and told me to get ready for breakfast and then to start work with Winston. I was not looking forward to that.

I went to my room and found the crates that the creators sent up for me. There were so many clothes and I got my own hairbrush. I heard that there was only one hairbrush in the Glade and it belonged to Minho but everyone used it, I just rub it in his face that I have my own hairbrush.

I think about what I'm going to be doing today, most likely killing an innocent animal. That means that there will be blood, and I do not want the blood to stain any of my tops. So I choose a dark red top and some skinny jeans, I tuck the top into the jeans loosely. Then I pull my hair into a ponytail.

After breakfast I head over to the bloodhouse to find Winston waiting for me. At first he's really nice and just makes me feed and look after the animals. Then I have to run some meat over to Frypan, I don't mind that too much.

When I get back I find Winston with a sick grin on his face and it really creeps me out. In his hand is a knife to slaughter an animal and hands it to me. He then gets a squealing pig and pins it down on the table. I realise that I have to do this or they're going to see me as some girl who is weak and afraid.

I count to three in my head and bring the knife down on the pig, it stops fidgeting. I let out a breath I don't realise I'm holding and look to Winston who has a shocked look on his face as well as the other slicer. I immediately start to feel sick and stumble out of the bloodhouse. Outside I start heaving but luckily my breakfast doesn't come back up.

By lunch everyone has heard about what I done to the pig and everyone was shocked, they obviously thought that I would run out screaming like a coward. Apparently that's what most of the Greenie's do.

For lunch we had sausages, mash and vegetables, I only ate the mash and vegetables as it was too soon to be eating again after what I had just witnessed. For the rest of lunch I zoned out thinking about the poor pig and how I shouldn't have killed it. It was Alby who brought me out of my trance.

"Are you ready for the Gathering, Greenie?"

I totally forgot about the gathering and I realised I should have been worrying about the gathering over some stupid pig because there are still a lot of people who are suspicious of me and don't want me here. I get up walking to the council room dread what's going to happen......

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